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Space-Time and Space-Distance

Question: How long is a year on the planet Mercury, in days?
Answer: A year on Mercury lasts only 88 days. Mercury is much closer to the Sun than Earth is.
Question: How many minutes does it take for sunlight to travel from the Sun to Earth?
Answer: Sunlight takes about eight minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
Question: In light-years, how far away from Earth is the center of the Milky Way galaxy?
Answer: The center of the Milky Way is 32,000 light-years from Earth.
Question: How many Earth years does it take Uranus to orbit the Sun one time?
Answer: Uranus takes about 84 Earth years to orbit (travel around) the Sun. Thus, one year on Uranus is equal to about 84 Earth years.
Question: How long is a Martian year, in days?
Answer: It takes Mars 687 days to rotate around the Sun, compared to the Earth’s 365 days.
Question: In light-years, how far is the Andromeda galaxy from Earth?
Answer: Andromeda is 2.2 million light-years from Earth.
Question: How often, in years, does the Sun orbit around the center of the Milky Way?
Answer: The Sun orbits around the center of the Milky Way once every 225,000,000 years.