The Play’s the Thing
- Question: Which theatre company in England had William Shakespeare as its leading dramatist?
- Answer: The Lord Chamberlain’s Men was the theatrical company with which William Shakespeare was intimately connected for most of his professional career as a dramatist. It was the most important company of players in Elizabethan and Jacobean England.
- Question: What is the name of the penniless Venetian who asks his friend for a loan in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice?
- Answer: In William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Bassanio is a noble but penniless Venetian who asks his wealthy merchant friend Antonio for a loan so as to impress and woo the heiress Portia.
- Question: Which playwright is best known for his play Oedipus the King?
- Answer: Sophocles was one of Classical Athens’s three great tragic playwrights. The best-known of his many dramas is Oedipus the King.
- Question: Whose play Look Back in Anger ushered in a new movement in British drama?
- Answer: John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger (performed 1956) ushered in a new movement in British drama and made him known as the first of the Angry Young Men.
- Question: Which play by Eugene O’Neill is a trilogy based on Aeschylus’s Oresteia?
- Answer: Eugene O’Neill’s trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra (1931) is based on the Oresteia trilogy by Aeschylus.
- Question: Which of these plays was not written by Christopher Marlowe?
- Answer: The play Coriolanus was written by William Shakespeare. Tamburlaine the Great, The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta, and The Tragicall History of D. Faustus were written by Christopher Marlowe.
- Question: Which playwright was the chief exponent of Old Comedy in ancient Greece?
- Answer: In ancient Greece, Aristophanes was the chief exponent of Old Comedy, which was highly satiric. It was characterized by wildly imaginative material blended with a vulgar, witty tone that accommodated poetry of great lyrical beauty.
- Question: Who wrote the play Man and Superman?
- Answer: George Bernard Shaw wrote the play Man and Superman. In it, he expounded his philosophy that humanity is the latest stage in a purposeful and eternal evolutionary movement of the “life force” toward ever-higher life-forms.
- Question: What was the first play Shakespeare wrote on Roman themes?
- Answer: After the last group of English history plays, Shakespeare chose Julius Caesar as the topic of the first of his plays on Roman themes.
- Question: What term refers to a passage in a play in which a character expresses their thoughts or feelings aloud while alone on the stage (or with other actors keeping silent)?
- Answer: A soliloquy is a passage in a play in which a character expresses their thoughts or feelings aloud while alone on the stage (or with other actors keeping silent). Long, ranting soliloquies were popular in English revenge tragedies of the Elizabethan era.
- Question: Which of these plays did George Bernard Shaw write?
- Answer: The canonization of Joan of Arc in 1920 reawakened within George Bernard Shaw ideas for a chronicle play about her. Saint Joan (performed 1923) was the result.
- Question: In which play by Shakespeare would you find the comic character Falstaff?
- Answer: William Shakespeare’s Henry IV plays are dominated by the comic character of Falstaff and his roguish exploits in Eastcheap.
- Question: Which English actor born in 1789 was known for his portrayal of villains in Shakespearean plays?
- Answer: The English actor Edmund Kean (1789–1833) was noted as much for his megalomania and ungovernable behaviour as for his portrayals of villains in Shakespearean plays.
- Question: Which movie is based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion?
- Answer: The film My Fair Lady (1964) won seven Academy Awards. It was based on the long-running Broadway musical My Fair Lady (1956), which, in turn, was based George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion (1913).
- Question: Which was the first Greek tragedy to be presented on the English stage, in 1566?
- Answer: George Gascoigne’s Jocasta (performed in 1566) was the first Greek tragedy to be presented on the English stage. Translated into blank verse, with the collaboration of Francis Kinwelmersh, from Lodovico Dolce’s Giocasta, the work derives ultimately from Euripides’ Phoenissae.
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