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The Qurʾān

Question: Which sūrah is generally believed to begin with the first revelation to Muhammad?
Answer: Sūrat al-ʻAlaq (The Clot) is generally believed to be the earliest sūrah of the Qurʾān. It begins with the command “Read! In the name of your lord who created—created man from a clot.”
Question: Which of the following is the best translation for the Arabic phrase yawm al-dīn?
Answer: The Day of Judgment, when all humans will have to account for their deeds before God, is one of the major themes of the Qurʾān.
Question: What is tafsīr?
Answer: Tafsīr refers to interpreting and producing commentaries on the Qurʾān. One of the most-important commentaries is the massive one produced by the Persian scholar al-Ṭabarī in the 9th century CE.
Question: Fact or Fiction: The Arabic term tajwīd refers to the discipline of Qurʾān recitation.
Answer: Tajwīd (from the Arabic root j-w-d, meaning to improve or to make good) refers to the skill of correctly pronouncing and intoning the Qurʾān.
Question: Which of the first four caliphs is credited with promulgating an official version of the text of the Qurʾān?
Answer: Concerned about divergences from the version assembled by Zayd ibn Thābit, a companion of Muhammad, ʿUthmān had copies sent throughout the Islamic world and ordered the burning of unauthorized versions of the text.
Question: Where was Muhammad said to have been when the first revelation from the Qurʾān reached him?
Answer: The first revelation came to Muhammad while he was meditating in a cave called al-Ḥīrāʾ in the Mountain of Light (Jabal al-Nūr) near Mecca.
Question: Fact or Fiction: The sūrahs (chapters) of the Qurʾān are roughly equal in length.
Answer: The sūrahs vary greatly in length. With the exception of the opening sūrah, which is quite short, they are arranged from longest to shortest in the Qurʾān. The shortest sūrahs are only a few verses, while the longest, Sūrat al-Baqarah, contains 286.
Question: What is the closest translation for the Qurʾānic term shirk?
Answer: Shirk—from the Arabic root sh-r-k, signifying partnership—means the act of ascribing partners to God, and it is condemned throughout the Qurʾān.
Question: According to Muslim tradition, how long did the revelation of the Qurʾān to Muhammad take?
Answer: The revelations began around 610 and ended with Muhammad’s death in 632.
Question: Fact or Fiction: Outside the Arabic-speaking world, the Qurʾān is generally translated into local languages for religious services.
Answer: Because the Qurʾān is generally believed to be a literal record of God’s speech, translations into other languages are seldom used for ritual purposes.
Question: Which of the following stories, known from the Hebrew Bible, is also mentioned in the Qurʾān?
Answer: The Qurʾān makes frequent reference to material that also appears in the Bible. The style of these passages is often brief and allusive, implying that the stories were well known to the Qurʾān’s audience.
Question: Fact or Fiction: Like classical Arabic poetry, the verses of the Qurʾān adhere to a strict meter.
Answer: Although the language of the Qurʾān resembles poetry in some ways, such as the use of rhyme, it is unmetered.
Question: How many sūrahs (chapters) does the Qurʾān have?
Answer: There are 114 sūrahs in the Qurʾān.
Question: Which historical figure is often identified with the Qurʾānic figure known as “Dhū al-Qarnayn”?
Answer: Qurʾān 18:83 – 101 tells the story of Dhū al-Qarnayn (“The two-horned”), who builds a barrier to keep out uncivilized peoples called Yājūj and Mājūj (equivalent to the biblical Gog and Magog). A similar legend regarding Alexander the Great is related in a folk epic known as the Alexander Romance, which circulated through Europe and the Middle East from the 3rd to the 16th century CE.