U.S. Presidential Nicknames
- Question: Coiner of "Weasel Words"
- Answer: Wilson was given this nickname by Theodore Roosevelt, whose speech in St. Louis in May of 1916 described Wilson’s penchant for creating phrases in which the words contradicted one another.
- Question: The Sphinx
- Answer: The press labeled FDR "the Sphinx" for his refusal to acknowledge whether or not he would run for a third presidential term in 1940.
- Question: Slick Willie
- Answer: The journalist Paul Greenberg coined this nickname, with its strong hint of duplicity, during Bill Clinton’s 1980 Arkansas gubernatorial run.
- Question: Tricky Dick
- Answer: Nixon was given this moniker by a reporter during his 1950 U.S. Senate run in which he used campaign tactics that framed, perhaps unfairly, his opponent, Helen Gahagan Douglas, as a friend to Communists.
- Question: The Great Communicator
- Answer: Reagan was given this nickname for his skill at connecting with ordinary people in his speeches. He was also known as "The Gipper" for his role in the film Knute Rockne, All American (1940).
- Question: Dude President
- Answer: Chester Arthur was given this name because of his lavish clothing style and his fondness for luxury.
- Question: Wobbly Willy
- Answer: McKinley was given this nickname by his political opponents.
- Question: Ike
- Answer: Dwight Eisenhower and each of his brothers were called "Ike" at some point in their lives. The name was originally given to his brother, Edgar.
- Question: Canal Boy
- Answer: James Garfield earned this nickname for his six-week stint at age 16 working cargo boats traveling between Cleveland and Pittsburgh on the Ohio Canal.
- Question: Uncle Jumbo
- Answer: Grover Cleveland, who weighed over 250 pounds, was given this nickname when he served as the governor of New York.
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Oliver F. Atkins—White House Photo/Nixon Presidential Library and Museum/NARA
Oliver F. Atkins—White House Photo/Nixon Presidential Library and Museum/NARA