Who Painted the Most Expensive Paintings in the World?
- Question: L''Homme à la hache by which French artist, who sought to achieve a “primitive” expression of spiritual and emotional states in his work, sold at auction for $40.3 million?
- Answer: L''Homme à la hache by Paul Gauguin, a French artist who sought to achieve a “primitive” expression of spiritual and emotional states in his work, sold at auction for $40.3 million.
- Question: Portrait of Dr. Gachet, which sold at auction for $82.5 million, was painted by which Dutch Post-Impressionist?
- Answer: Vincent van Gogh’s Portrait of Dr. Gachet sold at auction for $82.5 million.
- Question: Which Mexican artist’s self-portrait sold for $34.9 million in 2021, the highest price paid for a piece of Latin American art at that time?
- Answer: Frida Kahlo’s Diego and I, a self-portrait, sold at auction for $34.9 million in November 2021.
- Question: Which Norwegian artist created The Scream (or The Cry), a version of which sold at auction for $119.9 million?
- Answer: Edvard Munch was the Norwegian artist who created The Scream (or The Cry), a pastel version of which sold at auction for $119.9 million.
- Question: Le Principe de Plaisir, which sold at auction for $26.8 million, was painted by which Belgian Surrealist?
- Answer: René Magritte’s Le Principe de Plaisir sold at auction for $26.8 million.
- Question: Nurse, painted by which practitioner of Pop art, sold at auction for $94.5 million?
- Answer: Roy Lichtenstein’s Nurse sold at auction for $94.5 million.
- Question: Young Man Holding a Roundel, which sold at auction for $92.2 million, was painted by which artist (who is also known for The Birth of Venus)?
- Answer: Sandro Botticelli’s Young Man Holding a Roundel sold at auction for $92.2 million.
- Question: Who painted Shot Sage Blue Marilyn, which sold at auction in 2022 for $195 million, a record for a 20th-century painting?
- Answer: Andy Warhol’s Shot Sage Blue Marilyn sold at auction for $195 million in May 2022.
- Question: Three Studies of Lucien Freud, by which British painter, sold at auction for $142.4 million?
- Answer: Francis Bacon’s Three Studies of Lucien Freud sold at auction for $142.4 million.
- Question: The Man of Sorrows, which sold at auction for $45.4 million in January 2022, is credited to which Italian Renaissance painter?
- Answer: The Man of Sorrows, once attributed to Sandro Botticelli’s assistants but later said to be Botticelli’s work alone, sold at auction for $45.4 million in January 2022.
- Question: Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, which sold at auction for $106.5 million, was painted by which Spanish expatriate?
- Answer: Pablo Picasso’s Nude, Green Leaves and Bust sold at auction for $106.5 million.
- Question: Dance at Moulin de la Galette, which sold at auction for $78.1 million, was painted by which Impressionist artist?
- Answer: Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Dance at Moulin de la Galette sold at auction for $78.1 million.
- Question: Meules, which sold at auction for $110.7 million, was painted by which French Impressionist?
- Answer: Claude Monet’s Meules sold at auction for $110.7 million.
- Question: Which Pop art leader painted Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster), which sold at auction for $105.4 million?
- Answer: Andy Warhol’s Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster) was sold at auction for $105.4 million.
- Question: Which Austrian painter and founder of the school of painting known as the Vienna Sezession created The Woman in Gold, which sold at auction for $135 million?
- Answer: Gustav Klimt was the Austrian painter and founder of the school of painting known as the Vienna Sezession who created The Woman in Gold, which sold at auction for $135 million.
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