Ordovician radiation
- Related Topics:
- evolution
- Ordovician Period
- Cambrian explosion
Ordovician radiation, an interval of intense diversification of marine animal life that unfolded over tens of millions of years during the Ordovician Period (485.4 million to 443.4 million years ago) of geologic time. The interval was characterized by the emergence of organisms that would come to dominate marine ecosystems for the remainder of the Paleozoic Era. The Ordovician radiation was an extension of the Cambrian explosion, an event during which all modern marine phyla appeared (with the exception of the bryozoans, which emerged during the Ordovician). The Ordovician radiation continued this diversification at lower levels of taxonomy, which produced a fourfold increase in the number of genera. In addition, the interval saw a rapid increase in the amount of habitats and ecological niches exploited by living things, as well as an increase in the complexity of biological communities.
The number of marine genera in most of the Early Ordovician Epoch was comparable to that seen in the Cambrian Period and had comparable rates of species turnover or extinction. By the latest age of the Early Ordovician Epoch, trilobites and other organisms dominant in the Cambrian were replaced by a wide range of other marine invertebrates, including corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, mollusks, echinoderms, graptolites, and conodonts. One theory posits that diversification reached a peak by the first age of the Late Ordovician Epoch, with minor fluctuations. On the other hand, it has also been argued that this early Late Ordovician “peak” represents only a higher-quality fossil record than that of later Ordovician times. When this difference is accounted for, biological diversity is seen to rise to a plateau by the Middle Ordovician, after which it changes little.
The timing of diversification differs for each group of organisms and on each of the Ordovician continents. For example, graptolites reached their peak diversity in the Early Ordovician Epoch, whereas gastropods continued to diversify steadily through the entire Ordovician Period. Similarly, overall diversity on the cratons of Laurentia and Baltica peaked in the early Late Ordovician Epoch, whereas diversity peaked in South China in the Early Ordovician Epoch. These intercontinental differences suggest that global diversification was driven by changes unique to each continent rather than by a single global factor.

The Ordovician radiation began in shallow marine environments and proceeded into deeper water. Newer fauna intermingled with older Cambrian fauna, which was primarily made up of various trilobites and inarticulate (unjointed) brachiopods living in a wide range of environments between the shore and the continental slope. In the Early Ordovician Epoch, articulate (jointed) brachiopods, gastropods, and cephalopods appeared in shallow-water habitats as inarticulate brachiopods and trilobites declined in those habitats. Through the remainder of the Ordovician Period, articulate brachiopods and gastropods continued to spread farther offshore as trilobites and inarticulate brachiopods became rarer in all but deepwater habitats. Finally, in the Late Ordovician Epoch, bivalve communities appeared in shallow-water habitats and displaced the brachiopod-gastropod communities offshore.
Much of the increase in diversity occurring during the Ordovician Period took place within biological communities formed during the Cambrian Period. New species made use of unexploited niches within these communities. Another large portion of this new diversity came from increased provinciality—that is, the differences in the species present between one continent and another. Since most species did not expand beyond their own local regions, the species assemblages of many areas were unique, and few species were distributed globally. Diversity was also increased because of the expansion of life into new habitats not present in the Cambrian, such as reefs, hardgrounds, bryozoan thickets, and crinoid gardens.
Ordovician communities were ecologically more complicated than Cambrian ones. The Ordovician saw the rise of several new life habits, including deep-deposit feeders, mobile epifaunal (superficially attached) carnivores, and pelagic (open-water) carnivores. In contrast to Cambrian communities that lived very close to the sediment surface, Ordovician communities also grew up to 50 cm (about 20 inches) above the seafloor and established distinct tiers, or levels, similar to those present in modern forests. Also, invertebrates burrowed into the seafloor more intensely during the Ordovician Period than in the Cambrian Period, reaching depths of up to 1 metre (3.3 feet) below the seafloor.
The causes of the Ordovician radiation remain unclear. One view points to the Middle Ordovician fall in sea level, although this event has also been coupled to a global drop in diversity. Another view posits that biological interactions or an inherently higher rate of speciation in some groups fostered the diversification. Others have noted the correlation between the Ordovician diversification and the increase in global orogenic (or mountain-building) and volcanic activity. Indeed, on continents affected by orogenic activity, diversity proceeded at a faster pace than on other continents, suggesting that an increase in the supply of some nutrients, such as phosphorous and potassium, during the process of uplift may have fueled the diversification.