- Plural:
- cilia
- Related Topics:
- kinocilium
- metachronal wave
- kinety
- axoneme
- membranelle
cilium, short eyelashlike filament that is numerous on tissue cells of most animals and provides the means for locomotion of protozoans of the phylum Ciliophora. Cilia may be fused in short transverse rows to form membranelles or in tufts to form cirri. Capable of beating in unison, cilia move mammalian ova through oviducts, generate water currents to carry food and oxygen past the gills of clams, carry food through the digestive systems of snails, circulate cerebrospinal fluid of animals, and clean debris from the respiratory systems of mammals. In modified form, cilia trigger the discharge of stinging devices in jellyfish and give rise to the light-sensitive rods of the mammalian retina and the odour-detecting units of olfactory neurons.
A cilium, like a flagellum, is composed of a central core (the axoneme), which contains two central microtubules that are surrounded by an outer ring of nine pairs of microtubules. The outer ring of microtubules is surrounded by a membrane that is continuous with the cell membrane; ciliary outgrowth is controlled by the basal body that is located just inside the cell surface at the base of the cilium. Beneath the surface of some cells there is a network of fibrous rootlets or microtubular bundles that may provide support for the epithelium or coordinate ciliary beating.