- Related Topics:
- mathematics
- polynomial interpolation
- Newton’s interpolation formula
- On the Web:
- Al-Mustaqbal University - Interpolation and Approximation (PDF) (Mar. 06, 2025)
interpolation, in mathematics, the determination or estimation of the value of f(x), or a function of x, from certain known values of the function. If x0 < … < xn and y0 = f(x0),…, yn = f(xn) are known, and if x0 < x < xn, then the estimated value of f(x) is said to be an interpolation. If x < x0 or x > xn, the estimated value of f(x) is said to be an extrapolation.
If x0, …, xn are given, along with corresponding values y0, …, yn (see the graph passes through the n + 1 points, (xi, yi) for i = 0, 1, …, n. There are infinitely many such functions, but the simplest is a polynomial interpolation function y = p(x) = a0 + a1x + … + anxn with constant ai’s such that p(xi) = yi for i = 0, …, n. There is exactly one such interpolating polynomial of degree n or less. If the xi’s are equally spaced, say by some factor h, then the following formula of Isaac Newton produces a polynomial function that fits the data: f(x) = a0 + a1(x − x0)/h + a2(x − x0)(x − x1)/2!h2 + … + an(x − x0)⋯(x − xn − 1)/n!hn
), interpolation may be regarded as the determination of a function y = f(x) whosePolynomial approximation is useful even if the actual function f(x) is not a polynomial, for the polynomial p(x) often gives good estimates for other values of f(x).