omega-minus particle
subatomic particle
Also known as: Ω- particle
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In subatomic particle: SU(3) symmetry
…known as the Ω− (or omega-minus), had not yet been observed. Its discovery early in 1964, at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, confirmed the validity of the SU(3) symmetry of the hadrons.
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Eightfold Way
- In Eightfold Way
The particle, called omega-minus, was discovered in 1964. That same year, Gell-Mann set forth the concept of quarks as the physical basis for the classification system, thereby establishing the foundation for the modern quark model of hadrons. See also quark.
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work of Gell-Mann
- In Murray Gell-Mann
…and subsequent discovery of the omega-minus particle (1964). Over the years, research has yielded other findings that have led to the wide acceptance and elaboration of the quark concept.
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