ribosomal RNA
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), molecule in cells that forms part of the protein-synthesizing organelle known as a ribosome and that is exported to the cytoplasm to help translate the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) into protein. The three major types of RNA that occur in cells are rRNA, mRNA, and transfer RNA (tRNA).
Molecules of rRNA are synthesized in a specialized region of the cell nucleus called the nucleolus, which appears as a dense area within the nucleus and contains the genes that encode rRNA. The encoded rRNAs differ in size, being distinguished as either large or small. Each ribosome contains at least one large rRNA and at least one small rRNA. In the nucleolus, the large and small rRNAs combine with ribosomal proteins to form the large and small subunits of the ribosome (e.g., 50S and 30S, respectively, in bacteria). (These subunits generally are named according to their rate of sedimentation, measured in Svedberg units [S], in a centrifugal field.) Ribosomal proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported to the nucleus for subassembly in the nucleolus. The subunits are then returned to the cytoplasm for final assembly.
The rRNAs form extensive secondary structures and play an active role in recognizing conserved portions of mRNAs and tRNAs. In eukaryotes (organisms that possess a clearly defined nucleus), anywhere from 50 to 5,000 sets of rRNA genes and as many as 10 million ribosomes may be present in a single cell. In contrast, prokaryotes (organisms that lack a nucleus) generally have fewer sets of rRNA genes and ribosomes per cell. For example, in the bacterium Escherichia coli, seven copies of the rRNA genes synthesize about 15,000 ribosomes per cell.

There are radical differences between prokaryotes in the domains Archaea and Bacteria. These differences, in addition to being evident in the composition of lipids, cell walls, and utilization of different metabolic pathways, are also reflected in rRNA sequences. The rRNAs of Bacteria and Archaea are as different from each other as they are from eukaryotic rRNA. This information is important in understanding the evolutionary origins of these organisms, because it suggests that the bacterial and archaeal lines diverged from a common precursor somewhat before eukaryotic cells developed.
In bacteria the gene that has proved to be the most informative for investigating evolutionary relatedness is 16S rRNA, a sequence of DNA that encodes the RNA component of the smaller subunit of the bacterial ribosome. The 16S rRNA gene is present in all bacteria, and a related form occurs in all cells, including those of eukaryotes. Analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences from many organisms has revealed that some portions of the molecule undergo rapid genetic changes, thereby distinguishing between different species within the same genus. Other positions change very slowly, allowing much broader taxonomic levels to be distinguished.
Other evolutionary implications of rRNA stem from its ability to catalyze the peptidyl transferase reaction during protein synthesis. Catalysts are self-promoting—they facilitate reactions without being consumed themselves. Thus, rRNA, in serving both as a repository of nucleic acids and as a catalyst, is suspected of having played a key role in the early evolution of life on Earth.