sexual differentiation
sexual differentiation, in human embryology, the process by which the male and female sexual organs develop from neutral embryonic structures. The normal human fetus of either sex has the potential to develop either male or female organs, depending on genetic and hormonal influences.
In humans, each egg contains 23 chromosomes, of which 22 are autosomes and 1 is a female sex chromosome (the X chromosome). Each sperm also contains 23 chromosomes: 22 autosomes and either one female sex chromosome or one male sex chromosome (the Y chromosome). An egg that has been fertilized has a full complement of 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes. Therefore, genetic sex of the individual is determined at the time of fertilization; fertilized eggs containing an XY sex chromosome complement are genetic males, whereas those containing an XX sex chromosome complement are genetic females.
Every fetus contains structures that are capable of developing into either male or female genitalia, and, regardless of the complement of sex chromosomes, all developing embryos become feminized unless masculinizing influences come into play at key times during gestation. In males, several testis-determining genes on the Y chromosome direct the sexually undifferentiated (indeterminate) embryonic gonads to develop as testes. The X chromosome also participates in the differentiating process, because two X chromosomes are necessary for the development of normal ovaries.

Two precursor organs exist in the fetus: the Wolffian duct, which differentiates into the structures of the male genital tract, and the Müllerian duct, the source of the female reproductive organs. During the third month of fetal development, the Sertoli cells of the testes of XY fetuses begin to secrete a substance called Müllerian inhibiting hormone. This causes the Müllerian ducts to atrophy instead of develop into the oviducts (fallopian tubes) and uterus. In addition, the Wolffian ducts are stimulated by testosterone to eventually develop into the spermatic ducts (ductus deferens), ejaculatory ducts, and seminal vesicles. If the fetal gonads do not secrete testosterone at the proper time, the genitalia develop in the female direction regardless of whether testes or ovaries are present. In normal female fetuses, no androgenic effects occur; the ovaries develop along with the Müllerian ducts, while the Wolffian duct system deteriorates. Sexual differentiation is completed at puberty, at which time the reproductive system in both women and men is mature.
In such a complex system there are many opportunities for aberrant development. The causes of disorders of sexual differentiation, while not fully understood, have been greatly elucidated by advances in chromosomal analysis, the identification of isolated genetic defects in steroid hormone synthesis, and the understanding of abnormalities in steroid hormone receptors.
For more information about the embryological and anatomical aspects of the gonads and genitalia, see human reproductive system. For descriptions of chromosomes and the genes that they carry, see human genetics.