weakly interacting massive particle
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- subatomic particle
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weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP), heavy, electromagnetically neutral subatomic particle that is hypothesized to make up most dark matter and therefore some 22 percent of the universe. These particles are thought to be heavy and slow moving because if the dark matter particles were light and fast moving, they would not have clumped together in the density fluctuations from which galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed. The absence of light from these particles also indicates that they are electromagnetically neutral. These properties give rise to the particles’ common name, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). WIMPs are assumed to be “nonbaryonic,” or something other than baryons (massive particles such as the proton and neutron that are made up of three quarks), because the amount of baryons in the universe has been determined by measuring the abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen that were created in the first few minutes after the big bang. The precise nature of these particles is not currently known, and they are not predicted by the standard model of particle physics. However, a number of possible extensions to the standard model, such as the theory of supersymmetry, predict certain hypothetical elementary particles—given names such as axions, neutralinos, and Kaluza-Klein particles—that may be the undetected WIMPs.
Extraordinary efforts are under way to detect and measure the properties of these unseen WIMPs, either by witnessing their impact in a laboratory detector or by observing their annihilations after they collide with each other. There is also some expectation that their presence and mass may be inferred from experiments at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.