6 Questions for Tidying Expert Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo has displayed a passion for organizing spaces since childhood. She was born in Tokyo on October 9, 1984, and, when at school, she volunteered to tidy up books and classroom equipment while other students played. At age 19, while studying sociology at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, she launched her own consulting business to help people declutter and organize their homes.

Kondo’s own “KonMari Method” of organizing encourages tidying by category and discarding items that no longer “spark joy.” It is an organizing principle that aspires to more than simply cleaning: it helps people focus on only those things—from physical objects to relationships and life goals—that truly matter in their lives.

In 2014 Kondo released The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, the English-language edition of her first book on tidying. It became a number-one New York Times best seller. In addition, Kondo starred in the Netflix TV series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, which was nominated for two Emmy Awards and further established her as a worldwide cultural phenomenon. She has been featured in such publications as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Times of London, and Vogue, and she has appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Kondo was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.

Britannica’s interview with Marie Kondo follows. It was originally published in August 2021.

The KonMari Method

Clutter can be overwhelming, as when there’s so much stuff around that you hardly know where to begin to deal with it. Having a method that helps you decide where to start and how to proceed would seem to be part of the solution. You call your approach to tidying up the KonMari Method. What is the KonMari Method?

It is the tidying method I created out of my lifelong work and passion for organizing. The most important criterion of the KonMari Method is choosing what to keep and what to discard by asking yourself, “Does this spark joy?” When you use joy as your standard, you confront each of your things earnestly and reflect on whether they still make you happy in the present. Consequently, you will begin to realize what kinds of things you want to surround yourself with and what your idea of happiness really is. Then you can apply this decision-making standard of “joy” to other areas of your life, such as work and relationships. As your physical space becomes more organized through tidying, your values and future direction become clearer as well, and your life will begin to move in a meaningful, purposeful direction. In other words, the KonMari Method is not just about tidying homes: it’s about increasing awareness, even spiritual awareness, and improving overall decision-making. It transforms individuals and truly enables them to spark more joy in their lives.

Cultural Context

How is your method related to classical Zen ideas of simplicity and orderliness?

In Japanese culture, wabi-sabi, or experiencing beauty in simplicity and calmness, is considered a virtue. It does not necessarily equate to “less is more,” as the method is not about being a minimalist, but I believe it captures the feeling of choosing only the things that spark joy for you. In order for you to cherish what you love, you need to make space for the items you truly want to keep.

The Importance of Joy

The idea of joy plays a large role in your decluttering practice. How does that work? Discarding personal possessions can be fraught with emotion, but, in your videos, everyone is having a lot of fun, including you. How do you get people into that mental and emotional space where throwing things away is enjoyable?

Most importantly, the method is about what you want to keep in your life, not about discarding. It’s about forcing us to reconsider whether possessing a certain item truly makes you happy and still belongs in the life you want to live. Bringing new things into the home involves the same process as tidying and requires asking the same question: “Does this new item spark joy?” Welcome only the items that generate a “yes.” You should confidently keep the things that you love, and, if you’re unsure whether or not you still need an item, ask whether it inspires positive or negative feelings today when you look at it. Ask when was the last time you used it and when you would use it next. Also, before letting go of an item, make sure you first thank it for a job well done. If you feel guilty about letting it go, discard it with care and appreciate it for the purpose it served in your life. You will then be able to move on.

A Universal Principle

Your method, books, and Netflix series have gained a wide international audience. But are there cultural differences in how countries and cultures interpret ideas like “cleaning up” and “sparking joy”? If so, what are some of the differences that you’ve found?

Tidying up is an especially important part of Japanese culture because properties and homes in Japan are tiny! There isn’t much space for storage. Since we are faced with the challenge of how to live as comfortably as possible in a small area, we obsess about the details of our homes. In Japan, storage of things is done punctiliously compared to other countries. I also noticed that Japanese prefer using less color for the interior and keeping surroundings simple In the end, however, the steps for tidying, for keeping things of true meaning in quantities that are proportional to our living space, are consistent for everyone. This is why the basic idea of keeping and cherishing just those items that “spark joy” can work as a universal principle.

The Book Challenge

In your Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, we couldn’t help noticing that one of your clients has a large collection of Britannica books—our products. Two sets of Encyclopaedia Britannica, a set of Compton’s Encyclopedia, which we published, and several yearbooks. In the digital age, we don’t publish any of these products in print form anymore, but many people have a lot of books that take up space in their homes. When it comes to books, which are special things, how do you advise people on deciding which ones to keep and which ones to discard?

The point of the KonMari Method is to figure out your sense of value, what you hold dear. Books hold different meanings for different people in different cultures. There are countries that have relatively less resistance to discarding books, but there are also countries in which books are considered sacred, leading some people never to let go of a single work.

If your reaction to the possibility of letting go of a particular book is anger, that’s fine, because that means for you that book is invaluable, and that’s an important lesson to learn. So, if books spark joy for you, by all means keep them with confidence! But if you want to downsize your library, make sure to take the books off the shelves first, put them on the floor, and tap them to wake them up. This may sound funny, but it’s hard to determine if a title still sparks joy when the book remains on the shelf in a dormant state. Instead, take the book in your hand and ask yourself if the title still speaks to you, forcing yourself to consider whether you still have interest in enjoying or learning from this particular work. My experience has shown that many people, after reviewing and tidying up their book inventory, learn something special about themselves, about their current lives and current interests, all by looking at the titles that remain in their library.

What Really Matters

Are people more clutter-prone today than in the past? Is there anything about how we live today that encourages people to save things they really don’t need? Are we in a hoarding moment in the world?

With the arrival of the modern era of mass production, and now with the ease of online shopping, people have come to possess many more physical items. These products often make our lives easier and more convenient, but they also spark clutter, often leaving us with more items than are really necessary. More is not always better, and quantity is not the same thing as quality. People can “lose themselves” and their ability to discern what is truly necessary and meaningful when things—whether physical products or even information—become too numerous. Life is short, and there is a limit to a person’s capacity to possess—whether items or facts. When things become too numerous, we end up expending great energy not on enjoying the things that help us reach our goals and bring meaning to our lives but on the mental challenge of simply choosing between one thing and the many alternatives at our disposal. People who wish to focus their energy on what is really important to them seek order, and tidying is the first step to creating the order that can spark greater joy in our lives.