Ulysses S. Grant became president of the United States less than a year after the Second Treaty of Fort Laramie created, in 1868, what would be an undisturbed reservation for the Lakota Indians in western modern-day South Dakota. Many Lakota moved, but some chiefs chose to live on unceded land. The Grant administration observed this treaty until July 1874, when Lieut. Col. George Armstrong Custer discovered untapped gold veins in the Black Hills, considered sacred by the Lakota. The ensuing media and mining frenzy put pressure on Grant to violate the treaty and annex the region.

In the first half of 1875, Grant made two failed attempts at negotiating the purchase of mining rights in the Black Hills. That November he met with four hawkish administrative officials, suspecting that non-reservation Lakota chiefs were undermining the negotiation process. Together they devised a plan: the army would no longer enforce the Lakota claim to the Black Hills, and, if the chiefs did not report to the reservation by January 31, 1876, they would be considered hostile. The chiefs replied by saying that they would consider negotiations in the spring, as they were wintering in their villages. Grant thus authorized the seizure of the Black Hills. Despite a poorly executed winter campaign and a disastrous defeat at Little Big Horn, the army had expelled the Lakota by 1877.

Although Grant blamed this manufactured war on the non-reservation Lakota chiefs, a 1980 Supreme Court decision awarded the Sioux what now approaches $1.5 billion for the illegal seizure. That sum remains uncollected.