Resplendent in bright pink feathers (the result of a diet rich in larvae, algae, and shrimp), flamingos are among nature’s most beautiful birds—and the strangest. They eat with their heads upside down, sleep with their heads on their backs, and often rest by standing for long periods on one leg.

The latter behavior has puzzled researchers for years. One theory suggests that standing on one leg helps reduce muscle fatigue, allowing flamingos to move more quickly when threatened by predators.

Another theory involves the maintenance of body temperature. Because birds lose a lot of heat through their legs and feet, holding one leg closer to the body could conceivably help them stay warm.

Both theories were tested by observing a flock of flamingos at the Philadelphia Zoo. Muscle fatigue was tested by measuring how quickly the flamingos were able to move from both a bipedal and unipedal position. If the theory was correct, flamingos should be able to move more quickly from a unipedal position, but researchers found that they were actually faster when starting on both feet.

The body heat theory was tested by monitoring the temperature and weather conditions during periods of flamingo rest. When the weather was warmer, more flamingos stood in the water on two feet. They more commonly assumed the one-legged stance when temperatures were cooler.

Flamingos are typically found in warmer tropical climates, such as in Africa, South America, and the Caribbean, so the need to regulate their body temperature may seem unnecessary. However, they spend the majority of their time in water, which can lower their body temperature fairly quickly—hence the need for heat conservation.

Yet another theory suggests that flamingos, like whales and dolphins, are essentially able to turn off half their brains when they sleep. Standing on one leg is a natural reflex that helps them maintain their balance and keeps them from falling over.  

Ornithologists admit that no theory so far has been confirmed with certainty and say there may be additional reasons why flamingos stand on one leg, including reducing exposure to waterborne parasites and other hazards.