Baghdad, or Bagdad, City (pop., 2011 est.: 6,150,000), capital of Iraq. Located on the Tigris River, the site has been settled from ancient times. It rose to importance after being chosen in 762 ce by Caliph al-Manṣūr (r. 754–775) as the capital of the ʿAbbāsid dynasty. Under Hārūn al-Rashīd it achieved its greatest glory—reflected in the many tales from The Thousand and One Nights that were set there—as one of the world’s largest and wealthiest cities. A centre of Islamic civilization, it was second only to the Byzantine capital, Constantinople (modern Istanbul), in trade and culture. The capital was moved briefly to Sāmarrāʾ in 836, after which the city was prone to bouts of political instability. It was sacked by the Mongols under Hülegü in 1258, taken by Timur in 1401, and captured by the Persian Ṣafavid dynasty in 1508. Under the sultan Süleyman I, the city became part of the Ottoman Empire in 1534 and remained so—save for a brief period (1623–38) when it returned to Ṣafavid rule—until the end of World War I (1914–18). It became capital of the kingdom (1920) and then the republic (1958) of Iraq. During the 20th century the city grew greatly in size and population. It was severely damaged during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) and during the Iraq War (2003–11), when it was occupied by a U.S.-led coalition force.
Baghdad summary
Explore the history of Baghdad and its growth during the 20th century
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Baghdad.
Iraq Summary
Iraq, country of southwestern Asia. During ancient times, lands that now constitute Iraq were known as Mesopotamia (“Land Between the Rivers”), a region whose extensive alluvial plains gave rise to some of the world’s earliest civilizations, including those of Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria.