Bosnia and Herzegovina , Country, Balkan Peninsula, southeastern Europe. It is bounded by Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and, along a narrow extension of the country, the Adriatic Sea. Area: 19,772 sq mi (51,209 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 3,373,000. Capital: Sarajevo. Major ethnic groups are Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims; more than two-fifths of the population), Serbs (about one-third), and Croats (less than one-fifth). Languages: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian (all official). Religions: Christianity (Eastern Orthodox [Serbs], Roman Catholic [Croats]), Islam (Bosniaks). Currency: convertible marka. The country’s relief is largely mountainous, and elevations of more than 6,000 ft (1,800 m) are common. The land is drained by the Sava, Drina, and Neretva rivers and their tributaries. Though the area possesses a variety of natural resources and an important history of industrial production, it remains one of the poorest regions of the former Yugoslavia. Bosnia and Herzegovina is an emerging republic with two legislative houses. A tripartite presidency is nominally the head of state; a representative of the international community functions as the final authority in this capacity. The head of government is the prime minister (chairman of the Council of Ministers). Habitation long predates the era of Roman rule, during which much of the country was included in the province of Dalmatia. Slav settlement began in the 6th century ce. For the next several centuries, parts of the region were ruled by Croats, Serbs, the Byzantine Empire, and Hungary. In the Middle Ages Bosnia enjoyed periods of independence, and for a brief time in the late 14th century it was the most powerful state in the western Balkans. The Ottoman Empire conquered most of Bosnia in the mid-15th century. It took over the remainder of Bosnia as well as Herzegovina, a land then known as Hum, soon thereafter. During the 16th–18th centuries the area was an important outpost of the Ottoman Turks, who were often at war with Hungary, the empire of the Austrian Habsburgs, and Venice. During this period much of the population converted to Islam. At the Congress of Berlin after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, Bosnia and Herzegovina were assigned to Austria-Hungary, which annexed the combined territories in 1908. Growing Serbian and South Slav nationalism contributed to the 1914 assassination of the Austrian archduke Francis Ferdinand at Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb, an event that precipitated World War I. After the war the area became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, renamed Yugoslavia in 1929. Following World War II, Bosnia and Herzegovina became a republic of communist Yugoslavia. With the collapse of communist regimes in eastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina declared its independence in 1992. The country’s Serb population objected, however, and violent conflict ensued among Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats, and Bosniaks (see Bosnian conflict). The Dayton peace accords in 1995 established a loosely federated government divided between the Bosniak-Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serb Republic). By the early 21st century much of the infrastructure damaged during the conflict had been reconstructed, but ethnic tensions remained.
Bosnia and Herzegovina summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Bosnia and Herzegovina.
national anthem of Bosnia and HerzegovinaThe instrumental version of the national anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnian War Summary
Bosnian War, ethnically rooted war (1992–95) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a former republic of Yugoslavia with a multiethnic population comprising Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Serbs, and Croats. After years of bitter fighting that involved the three Bosnian groups as well as the Yugoslav army, Western
Council of Europe Summary
Council of Europe, organization of European countries that seeks to protect democracy and human rights and to promote European unity by fostering cooperation on legal, cultural, and social issues. The council is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. (The Council of Europe should not be confused with
Russo-Turkish wars Summary
Russo-Turkish wars, series of wars between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in the 17th–19th century. The wars reflected the decline of the Ottoman Empire and resulted in the gradual southward extension of Russia’s frontier and influence into Ottoman territory. The wars took place in 1676–81, 1687,
Balkans Summary
Balkans, easternmost of Europe’s three great southern peninsulas. There is not universal agreement on the region’s components. The Balkans are usually characterized as comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and