Egypt, officially Arab Republic of Egypt, formerly United Arab Republic, Country, Middle East, northeastern Africa. Area: 384,788 sq mi (996,603 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 107,838,000. Capital: Cairo. The people are largely Egyptian Arabs. Language: Arabic (official). Religions: Islam (official; predominantly Sunni); also Christianity. Currency: Egyptian pound. Egypt occupies a crossroads between Africa, Europe, and Asia. The majority of its land is in the arid western and eastern deserts, separated by the country’s dominant feature, the Nile River. The Nile forms a flat-bottomed valley, generally 5–10 mi (8–16 km) wide, that fans out into the densely populated delta lowlands north of Cairo. The Nile valley (in Upper Egypt) and delta (Lower Egypt), along with scattered oases, support all of Egypt’s agriculture and have virtually all of its population. Egypt has a developing, mainly socialist, partly free-enterprise economy based primarily on industry, including petroleum production, and agriculture. Under the constitution Egypt is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. As of February 2011, however, a military council assumed control of the country after the president stepped down. Legislative and presidential elections were held in 2011 and 2012, and a new constitution was passed in 2012. This constitution, however, was suspended less than a year later when the military intervened to remove the newly elected president, Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, following a series of massive public demonstrations against his administration. Egypt is one of the world’s oldest continuous civilizations. Upper and Lower Egypt were united c. 3000 bce, beginning a period of cultural achievement and a line of native rulers that lasted nearly 3,000 years. Egypt’s ancient history is divided into the Old, the Middle, and the New Kingdom, spanning 31 dynasties and lasting to 332 bce. The pyramids date from the Old Kingdom, the cult of Osiris and the refinement of sculpture from the Middle Kingdom, and the era of empire and the Exodus of the Jews from the New Kingdom. An Assyrian invasion occurred in the 671 bce, and the Persian Achaemenids established a dynasty in 525 bce. The invasion by Alexander the Great in 332 bce inaugurated the Macedonian Ptolemaic period and the ascendancy of Alexandria as a centre of learning and Hellenistic culture. The Romans held Egypt from 30 bce to 395 ce; later it was part of the Byzantine Empire. After the Roman emperor Constantine granted tolerance to the Christians in 313, a formal Egyptian (Coptic) church emerged. Egypt came under Arab control in 642 and ultimately was transformed into an Arabic-speaking state, with Islam as the dominant religion. Held by the Umayyad and ʿAbbāsid dynasties, in 969 it became the centre of the Fāṭimid dynasty. In 1250 the Mamlūk dynasty established a state that lasted until 1517, when Egypt fell to the Ottoman Empire. An economic and cultural decline ensued. Egypt became a British protectorate in 1914 and received nominal independence in 1922, when a constitutional monarchy was established. A group of army officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew the monarchy in 1952. A union with Syria to form the United Arab Republic (1958–61) failed. Following three wars with Israel (see Arab-Israeli wars), Egypt, under Nasser’s successor, Anwar el-Sādāt, made peace with the Jewish state, thus alienating many fellow Arab countries. Sādāt was assassinated by Islamic extremists in 1981 and was succeeded by Ḥosnī Mubārak. Although Egypt took part in the coalition against Iraq during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91), it later began peace overtures with countries in the region. Desire for political, economic, and social reform led to a popular uprising of unprecedented proportions in 2011, which forced Mubārak to step down as president and left Egypt’s military in control of the country. In 2012 power was transferred to an elected government led by Pres. Mohammed Morsi, but he soon faced simmering public discontent over the unfavourable state of the Egyptian economy as well as his own attempts to amass power. The military removed him from the presidency in 2013.
Egypt summary
Learn about the civilization and military rule of Egypt
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Egypt.
National anthem of EgyptThe instrumental version of the national anthem of Egypt.
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