Egyptian language, Extinct Afro-Asiatic language of the Nile River valley. Its very long history comprises five periods: Old Egyptian (c. 3000–c. 2200 bce), best exemplified by a corpus of religious inscriptions known as the Pyramid Texts and a group of autobiographical tomb inscriptions; Middle Egyptian (c. 2200–c. 1600 bce), the classical literary language; Late Egyptian (1550–700 bce), known mainly from manuscripts; Demotic (c. 700 bce–c. 400 ce), used in the periods of Persian, Greek, and Roman dominance and differing from Late Egyptian chiefly in its graphic system; and Coptic (c. 150 ce–at least the 17th century), the language of Christian Egypt, gradually supplanted as a vernacular by Arabic from the 9th century on but still preserved to some degree in the liturgy of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Egyptian was originally written in hieroglyphs, out of which evolved hieratic, a cursive rendering of hieroglyphs, and demotic, a kind of shorthand reduction of hieratic. Coptic was written in a modified form of the Greek alphabet, with seven signs added from the demotic script for sounds that did not occur in Greek.
Egyptian language summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Egyptian language.