Enrico Fermi, (born Sept. 29, 1901, Rome, Italy—died Nov. 28, 1954, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), Italian-born U.S. physicist. As a professor at the University of Rome, he began the work, later fully developed by P.A.M. Dirac, that led to Fermi-Dirac statistics. He developed a theory of beta decay that applies to other reactions through the weak force, which was not improved until 1957, when the weak force was found not to conserve parity. He discovered neutron-induced radioactivity, for which he was awarded a 1938 Nobel Prize. After receiving the award in Sweden, he never returned to fascist Italy but instead moved directly to the U.S., where he joined the faculty of Columbia University and soon became one of the chief architects of practical nuclear physics. A member of the Manhattan Project, he was an important figure in the development of the atomic bomb; in 1942 he directed the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. He received the Congressional Medal of Merit in 1946. In 1954 he became the first recipient of the U.S. government’s Enrico Fermi Award. Element number 100, fermium, was named in his honour.
Enrico Fermi summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Enrico Fermi.
Nobel Prize Summary
Nobel Prize, any of the prizes (five in number until 1969, when a sixth was added) that are awarded annually from a fund bequeathed for that purpose by the Swedish inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards given for intellectual
radioactivity Summary
Radioactivity, property exhibited by certain types of matter of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously. It is, in essence, an attribute of individual atomic nuclei. An unstable nucleus will decompose spontaneously, or decay, into a more stable configuration but will do so only in a
subatomic particle Summary
Subatomic particle, any of various self-contained units of matter or energy that are the fundamental constituents of all matter. Subatomic particles include electrons, the negatively charged, almost massless particles that nevertheless account for most of the size of the atom, and they include the
Manhattan Project Summary
Manhattan Project, U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs. See Britannica’s interactive timeline of the Manhattan Project. American scientists, many of them refugees from fascist regimes in Europe, took steps in 1939 to organize a project to exploit the