Fra Angelico, orig. Guido di Pietro also known as Beato (“Blessed”) Angelico , (born c. 1400, Vicchio, Florence [Italy]—died Feb. 18, 1455, Rome), Italian painter and Dominican friar active in Florence. He entered the monastery of San Domenico at Fiesole sometime between 1420 and 1422 and began his artistic career by painting illuminated manuscripts and altarpieces. He was influenced by Masaccio’s use of architectural perspective. Among his earliest masterpieces is a large triptych, the Linaiuoli Altarpiece (1433–36), executed for the linen merchants’ guild; it is enclosed in a marble shrine designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti. His most notable works are frescoes at the monastery of San Marco, Florence (c. 1440–45), and in the chapel of Pope Nicholas V in the Vatican (c. 1448–49). One of the outstanding fresco painters of the 15th century, he influenced such masters as Fra Filippo Lippi; Benozzo Gozzoli was among his students.
Fra Angelico summary
Explore the life and artistic career of Fra Angelico and some of his notable works
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Fra Angelico.
Fra Angelico: The AnnunciationThe Annunciation, fresco by Fra Angelico, 1438–45; in the Museum of San Marco, Florence.
Dominican Summary
Dominican, one of the four great mendicant orders of the Roman Catholic Church, founded by St. Dominic in 1215. Its members include friars, nuns, active sisters, and lay Dominicans. From the beginning the order has been a synthesis of the contemplative life and the active ministry. The members live
mural Summary
Mural, a painting applied to and made integral with the surface of a wall or ceiling. The term may properly include painting on fired tiles but ordinarily does not refer to mosaic decoration unless the mosaic forms part of the overall scheme of the painting. Mural painting is inherently different
painting Summary
Painting, the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. The elements of this language—its shapes, lines, colors, tones, and textures—are used in various ways to produce sensations of volume, space, movement, and light