France, officially French Republic, Country, northwestern Europe. It includes the island of Corsica. Area: 210,016 sq mi (543,941 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 66,607,000. Capital: Paris. The people are mainly French. Language: French (official). Religions: Christianity (predominantly Roman Catholic; also Protestant); also Islam, Judaism. Currency: euro. France has extensive plains, rivers, and a number of mountain ranges, including the Pyrenees and the Alps. The climate is generally moderate. More than half of the land is suitable for agriculture, and forests, largely unexploited, cover about one-fourth of the area. France has a developed mixed economy with a preponderance of small firms. It is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. France is one of the major economic powers of the world and was a founding member of the European Community (see European Union). Culturally, France has enjoyed a significant role in the world from the early Middle Ages onward. Archaeological excavations in France indicate continuous settlement from Paleolithic times. By the 5th century bce the Gauls migrated south from the Rhine River valley to the Mediterranean coast of modern France, and in 600 bce Ionian Greeks established several settlements, including one at Marseille. Julius Caesar completed the Roman conquest of Gaul in 50 bce. During the 6th century ce the Salian Franks ruled; by the 8th century power had passed to the Carolingians, so named for the influential reign of Charlemagne. The Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) resulted in the return to France of land that had been held by England; by the end of the 15th century, France approximated its modern boundaries. The 16th century was marked by the Wars of Religion between Protestants (Huguenots) and Roman Catholics. Henry IV’s Edict of Nantes (1598) granted substantial religious toleration, but this was revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV, who helped to raise monarchical absolutism to new heights. In 1789 the French Revolution proclaimed the rights of the individual and destroyed the ancien régime. Under the rule of Napoleon (1799–1814/15), France fought to expand its dominion. It then became a monarchy again until the founding of the Second Republic (1848–52), after which Napoleon III ruled as emperor before the creation of the Third Republic in 1871. World War I (1914–18) ravaged the northern part of France. After Nazi Germany’s invasion of France during World War II, the collaborationist Vichy regime governed. Liberated by Allied and Free French forces in 1944, France restored parliamentary democracy under the Fourth Republic. A costly war in Indochina (see Indochina wars) and rising nationalism in French colonies during the 1950s overwhelmed the Fourth Republic. In January 1959 Charles de Gaulle became the first president of the Fifth Republic. He presided over the dissolution of most of France’s overseas colonies (see Algerian War; French Equatorial Africa; French West Africa). In 1981 France elected its first socialist president, François Mitterrand. At various times from 1986 through the beginning of the 21st century, France balanced a form of divided government known as “cohabitation,” with a president and prime minister of different political parties.
France summary
Know about France’s military campaigns like the Hundred Years’ War, Wars of Religion, and the French Revolution
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see France.
National anthem of FranceThe instrumental version of the national anthem of France.
art brut Summary
Art brut, (French: “raw art”), art of the French painter Jean Dubuffet, who in the 1940s promoted art that is crude, inexperienced, and even obscene. Dubuffet, the most important French artist to emerge after World War II, became interested in the art of the mentally ill in mid-career, after
Avignon papacy Summary
Avignon papacy, Roman Catholic papacy during the period 1309–77, when the popes took up residence at Avignon, France, instead of at Rome, primarily because of the current political conditions. Distressed by factionalism in Rome and pressed to come to France by Philip IV, Pope Clement V moved the
Alsace-Lorraine Summary
Alsace-Lorraine, area comprising the present French départements of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, and Moselle. Alsace-Lorraine was the name given to the 5,067 square miles (13,123 square km) of territory that was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-German War. This territory was retroceded
Affair of the Diamond Necklace Summary
Affair of the Diamond Necklace, scandal at the court of Louis XVI in 1785 that discredited the French monarchy on the eve of the French Revolution. It began as an intrigue on the part of an adventuress, the comtesse (countess) de La Motte, to procure, supposedly for Queen Marie-Antoinette but in