Free Democratic Party (FDP), German centrist political party that advocates individualism and free economic competition. It was formed in 1948 by liberal delegates in the U.S., British, and French zones of occupation. Though relatively small, the party has made and broken governments by forming coalitions with larger parties, including the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party.
Free Democratic Party summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Free Democratic Party.
individualism Summary
Individualism, political and social philosophy that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. Although the concept of an individual may seem straightforward, there are many ways of understanding it, both in theory and in practice. The term individualism itself, and its equivalents in other
political party Summary
Political party, a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power. Political parties originated in their modern form in Europe and the United States in the 19th century, along with the electoral and parliamentary systems, whose development reflects the evolution of parties. The