Greece, officially Hellenic Republic, Country, Balkan Peninsula, southeastern Europe. Area: 50,984 sq mi (132,049 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 9,361,000. Capital: Athens. The people are predominantly Greek. Language: Greek (official). Religion: Christianity (predominantly Eastern Orthodox [official]). Currency: euro. The land, with its 2,000-odd islands and extensive coastline, is intimately linked with the sea. About one-fifth of this mountainous country consists of lowland, much of this as coastal plains along the Aegean or as mountain valleys and small plains near river mouths. The interior is dominated by the Pindus (Modern Greek: Píndos) Mountains, which extend from Albania on Greece’s northwestern border into the Peloponnese (Pelopónnisos). Mount Olympus (Ólympos) is the country’s highest peak. Among the Greek islands are the Aegean and Ionian groups and Crete (Kríti). The climate is Mediterranean. Greece has an advanced developing economy characterized mainly by private enterprise and based on agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. It is a unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house; the head of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. The earliest urban society in Greece was the palace-centred Minoan civilization, which reached its height on Crete c. 2000 bce. It was succeeded by the mainland Mycenaean civilization, which arose c. 1600 bce following a wave of Indo-European invasions. About 1200 bce a second wave of invasions destroyed the Bronze Age cultures, and a Dark Age followed, known mostly through the epics of Homer. At the end of this time, Classical Greece began to emerge (c. 750 bce) as a collection of independent city-states, including Sparta in the Peloponnese and Athens in Attica. The civilization reached its zenith after repelling the Persians at the beginning of the 5th century bce (see Persian Wars) and began to decline after the civil strife of the Peloponnesian War at the century’s end. In 338 bce the Greek city-states were taken over by Philip II of Macedon, and Greek culture was spread by Philip’s son Alexander the Great throughout his empire. The Romans, themselves heavily influenced by Greek culture, conquered the city-states in the 2nd century bce. After the fall of Rome, Greece remained part of the Byzantine Empire until the mid-15th century, when it became part of the expanding Ottoman Empire; it gained its independence in 1832. It was occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II. Civil war followed and lasted until 1949, when communist forces were defeated. In 1952 Greece joined NATO. A military junta ruled the country from 1967 to 1974, when democracy was restored and a referendum declared an end to the Greek monarchy. In 1981 Greece joined the European Community (see European Union), the first eastern European country to do so. Upheavals in the Balkans in the 1990s strained Greece’s relations with some neighbouring states. Greece revised its constitution in 2001.
Greece summary
Explore the history of Classical Greek civilization
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Greece.
National anthem of GreeceThe instrumental version of the national anthem of Greece.
Attica Summary
Attica, ancient district of east-central Greece; Athens was its chief city. Bordering the sea on the south and east, Attica attracted maritime trade. In early times there were several independent settlements there, centring on Eleusis, Athens, and Marathon. Athens may have been paramount in the
Arachne Summary
Arachne, in Greek mythology, the daughter of Idmon of Colophon in Lydia, a dyer in purple. Arachne was a weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason. Athena wove a tapestry depicting the gods in majesty, while
Battle of Pharsalus Summary
Battle of Pharsalus, (48 bce), the decisive engagement in the Roman civil war (49–45 bce) between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. After failing to subdue his enemies at Dyrrhachium (now Dürres, Albania), Caesar clashed with Pompey somewhere near Pharsalus (now Fársala, Greece). Although Caesar
Battle of Chaeronea Summary
Battle of Chaeronea, (August 338 bce), battle in Boeotia, central Greece, in which Philip II of Macedonia defeated a coalition of Greek city-states led by Thebes and Athens. The victory, partly credited to Philip’s 18-year-old son Alexander the Great, cemented the Macedonian hegemony in Greece and