Iran, officially Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly Persia, Country, Middle East, southwestern Asia. Area: 629,670 sq mi (1,630,848 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 86,526,000. Capital: Tehrān. Persians constitute the largest ethnic group; other ethnic groups include Azerbaijanians, Kurds, Lurs, Bakhtyārī, and Baloch. Languages: Persian (Farsī; official), numerous others. Religions: Islam (official; predominantly Shīʿite); also Zoroastrianism. Currency: rial. Iran occupies a high plateau, rising higher than 1,500 feet (460 metres) above sea level, and is surrounded largely by mountains. More than half of its surface area consists of salt deserts and other wasteland. About one-tenth of its land is arable, and another one-fourth is suitable for grazing. Iran’s rich petroleum reserves account for about one-tenth of world reserves and are the basis of its economy. It is a unitary Islamic republic with one legislative house and several oversight bodies dominated by clergy. The head of state and government is the president, but supreme authority rests with the rahbar (leader), a ranking cleric. Human habitation in Iran dates to some 100,000 years ago, but recorded history began with the Elamites c. 3000 bce. The Medes flourished from c. 728 but were overthrown in 550 by the Persians, who were in turn conquered by Alexander the Great in the 4th century bce. The Parthians (see Parthia) created an empire that lasted from 247 bce to 226 ce, when control passed to the Sāsānian dynasty. Various Muslim dynasties ruled from the 7th century. In 1501 the Ṣafavid dynasty was established and lasted until 1736. The Qājār dynasty ruled from 1796, but in the 19th century the country was economically controlled by the Russian and British empires. Reza Khan (see Reza Shah Pahlavi) seized power in a coup (1921). His son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi alienated religious leaders with a program of modernization and Westernization and was overthrown in 1979; Shīʿite cleric Ruhollah Khomeini then set up an Islamic republic, and Western influence was suppressed. The destructive Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s ended in a stalemate. Since the 1990s the government has gradually moved to a more liberal conduct of state affairs.
Iran summary
Learn about the structure of power and history of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Iran.
Pasargadae Summary
Pasargadae, first dynastic capital of the Persian Achaemenian dynasty, situated on a plain northeast of Persepolis in southwestern Iran. According to tradition, Cyrus II (the Great; reigned 559–c. 529 bce) chose the site because it lay near the scene of his victory over Astyages the Mede (550). The
Parthia Summary
Parthia, ancient land corresponding roughly to the modern region of Khorāsān in Iran. The term is also used in reference to the Parthian empire (247 bce–224 ce). The first certain occurrence of the name is as Parthava in the Bīsitūn inscription (c. 520 bce) of the Achaemenian king Darius I, but
Persepolis Summary
Persepolis, an ancient capital of the kings of the Achaemenian dynasty of Iran (Persia), located about 30 miles (50 km) northeast of Shīrāz in the Fars region of southwestern Iran. The site lies near the confluence of the Pulvār (Sīvand) and Kor rivers. In 1979 the ruins were designated a UNESCO
Elburz Mountains Summary
Elburz Mountains, major mountain range in northern Iran, 560 miles (900 km) long. The range, most broadly defined, extends in an arc eastward from the frontier with Azerbaijan southwest of the Caspian Sea to the Khorāsān region of northeastern Iran, southeast of the Caspian Sea, where the range