Izaak Walton summary

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Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Izaak Walton.

Izaak Walton, (born Aug. 9, 1593, Stafford, Staffordshire, Eng.—died Dec. 15, 1683, Winchester, Hampshire), English biographer and author. Apprenticed to a linendraper and with only a few years of schooling, he prospered after he acquired his own shop in London. He read widely, developed scholarly tastes, and associated with men of learning. A friend and fishing companion of John Donne, he contributed “An Elegie” to the posthumous publication of Donne’s poetry (1633) and wrote biographies of Donne (1640), George Herbert (1670), and others. His classic The Compleat Angler (1653), a pastoral discourse on the joys and stratagems of fishing, is one of the most frequently reprinted works in English literature; a later revision (1676) included additions by Charles Cotton (1630–87).