Masolino , orig. Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini, (born 1383, Panicale, Romagna—died probably 1440–47, Florence, Republic of Florence), Italian painter. He came from the same district in Tuscany as his younger contemporary Masaccio, with whom his career is closely linked. The two worked together on frescoes for the Brancacci Chapel in Florence’s Santa Maria del Carmine. Masaccio’s influence is evident in Masolino’s contributions, but upon Masaccio’s death Masolino returned to the more decorative Gothic style of his earlier years.
Masolino summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Masolino.
mural Summary
Mural, a painting applied to and made integral with the surface of a wall or ceiling. The term may properly include painting on fired tiles but ordinarily does not refer to mosaic decoration unless the mosaic forms part of the overall scheme of the painting. Mural painting is inherently different
painting Summary
Painting, the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. The elements of this language—its shapes, lines, colors, tones, and textures—are used in various ways to produce sensations of volume, space, movement, and light