Meghalaya , State, northeastern India. Area: 8,660 sq mi (22,429 sq km). Population: (2011) 2,964,007. Capital: Shillong. It is bordered by Bangladesh and Assam state. The Khasi, the tribal hill people of Meghalaya, speak a Mon-Khmer language. The area came under nominal British rule in the 19th century. It was included in Assam and was made a separate state in 1972. Although it has vast mineral resources, its economy centres on agriculture.
Meghalaya summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Meghalaya.
India Summary
India, country that occupies the greater part of South Asia. It is made up of 28 states and eight union territories, and its national capital is New Delhi, built in the 20th century just south of the historic hub of Old Delhi to serve as India’s administrative center. Its government is a