Myanmar, or Burma officially Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Country, Southeast Asia, on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. Area: 261,217 sq mi (676,553 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 57,940,000. Capitals: official, Nay Pyi Taw (Naypyidaw), proclaimed 2006; historical, Yangon (Rangoon), 1948–2006. Inhabitants are chiefly Burman; others include Chin, Shan, and Karen. Languages: Myanmar (Burmese; official), many indigenous languages. Religions: Buddhism, traditional beliefs, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism. Currency: Myanmar kyat. Myanmar may be divided into five main regions: the northern mountains, the western ranges, the coastal plains, the central lowlands, and the Shan Plateau in the east. Major rivers are the Irrawaddy and the Salween. The tropical climate is greatly influenced by the monsoons of southern Asia. Only about one-sixth of this largely mountainous land is arable. It has a centrally planned, developing economy that is largely nationalized and based on agriculture and trade. Rice is the most important crop and principal export; teak is also important. Myanmar is ruled by a military regime. The area was long inhabited, with the Mon and Pyu states dominant from the 1st century bce to the 9th century ce. It was united in the 11th century under a Burmese dynasty that was overthrown by the Mongols in the 13th century. The Portuguese, Dutch, and English traded there in the 16th–17th century. The modern Myanmar (Burmese) state was founded in the 18th century by Alaungpaya. Conflict with the British over Assam resulted in a series of wars, and Myanmar fell to the British in 1885. Under British control, it became Burma, a province of India. It was occupied by Japan in World War II and became independent in 1948. The military took power in a coup in 1962 and nationalized major economic sectors. Civilian unrest in the 1980s led to antigovernment rioting that was suppressed by force. In 1990 opposition parties won in national elections, but the army remained in control, changing the name of the country to Myanmar. Trying to negotiate for a freer government amid the unrest, Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. The military relinquished authority to a civilian government led by a former military officer in 2011. A president without any military ties was inaugurated in 2016. A coup in 2021 returned the country to military rule.
Myanmar summary
Learn about Myanmar and its history of military rule
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Myanmar.
National anthem of MyanmarThe instrumental version of the national anthem of Myanmar.
Ava Summary
Ava, ancient capital of central Myanmar (Burma), on the left bank of the Irrawaddy River at the Myitnge confluence. It is linked by a road and rail bridge, 5,894 feet (1,796 m) long, to the town of Sagaing; this is the only place where the Irrawaddy is bridged. Its name is a corruption of the
Irrawaddy River Summary
Irrawaddy River, principal river of Myanmar (formerly Burma), running through the centre of the country. Myanmar’s most important commercial waterway, it is about 1,350 miles (2,170 km) long. Its name is believed to derive from the Sanskrit term airāvatī, meaning “elephant river.” The river flows
ASEAN Summary
ASEAN, international organization established by the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand in 1967 to accelerate economic growth and promote peace and security in Southeast Asia. Brunei joined in 1984, followed by Vietnam in 1995, Laos and Myanmar in 1997, and
Yangon Summary
Yangon, city, capital of independent Myanmar (Burma) from 1948 to 2006, when the government officially proclaimed the new city of Nay Pyi Taw (Naypyidaw) the capital of the country. Yangon is located in the southern part of the country on the east bank of the Yangon, or Hlaing, River (eastern mouth