Pullman Strike Causes and Effects
Workers for the Pullman Palace Car Company already had low wages as well as high rents in the company town of Pullman, Illinois. During an economic depression in 1893, their wages were cut even more and working hours were increased. Jobs were also cut.
George M. Pullman refused to meet with workers to hear their requests for higher wages, lower rents, and better working conditions. In protest, Pullman workers walked off the job on May 11, 1894.
The American Railway Union agreed to assist Pullman workers. Switchmen who were members of the ARU refused to handle Pullman cars, which disrupted the rail network.
This initial boycott led to widespread strikes among the nation’s railroad workers.
Growing anger ended in violence at a gathering of workers in Blue Island, Illinois. Among the damaged property was a locomotive attached to a U.S. mail railcar. Since the protest had affected federal government business, U.S. President Grover Cleveland and his cabinet got involved in the strike. Attorney General Richard Olney obtained an injunction against the ARU.
President Cleveland sent in federal troops to handle strikers, which led to violence.
Railway companies started to hire nonunion workers to restart business.
By the time the strike ended, it had cost the railroads millions of dollars in lost revenue and in looted and damaged property. Striking workers had lost more than $1 million in wages.
Pullman workers largely lost the sympathy of the public as well, with many anxious about outbreaks in violence as well as disruptions in rail traffic. The mainstream press criticized Debs and labor in general.
President Cleveland and Congress did make one conciliatory gesture toward the labor movement during the strike, however. The strike prompted Cleveland to propose a bill to make Labor Day a national holiday. Cleveland signed the bill into law on June 28, 1894.
Pullman Strike Key Facts
Pullman Strike | Key Facts
Pullman Strike Timeline
Pullman Strike | Timeline