Reconstruction Timeline
U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln uses the pocket veto to stall the Wade-Davis Bill, which calls for the appointment of provisional military governors in the former Confederate states and requires that a majority of a state’s white citizens swear allegiance to the Union as prerequisite for the state’s readmission to the Union. By April 1865, however, Lincoln is said to be moving toward the position of the Radical Republicans who had championed the bill.
Freedmen’s Bureau established by Congress to provide practical aid to four million newly freed African Americans in their transition from slavery to freedom.
January 16, 1865
Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman issues Field Order 15 setting aside land in South Carolina and Georgia for Black families, establishing the promise of “40 acres and a mule” for the emancipated.
February 1, 1865
Thirteenth AmendmentThe Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
NARAApril 15, 1865
Lincoln dies, the victim of assassination, and Vice Pres. Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th U.S. president.
Johnson pursues a lenient version of Presidential Reconstruction.
The states of the former Confederacy enact numerous Black Codes, laws designed to replace the social controls of slavery and to assure the continuance of white supremacy.
Congress passes the Freedmen’s Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 over Johnson’s veto—the first time a presidential veto had ever been overridden.
May 1866
Forty-six African Americans (most of them Union veterans) are murdered, and 12 churches and 4 schools are burned in the Memphis Race Riot.
June 16, 1866
The Fourteenth Amendment, prohibiting the states from depriving any person of “life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” and from denying anyone within a state’s jurisdiction equal protection under the law, is submitted for ratification (ratified July 1868).
July 1866
Thirty-five African Americans are killed by whites in the New Orleans Race Riot.
March 1867
Fourteenth AmendmentThe first page of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
National Archives, Washington, D.C.February 24, 1868
Impeachment trial of Andrew JohnsonThe impeachment trial of U.S. Pres. Andrew Johnson, illustration from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, March 28, 1868.
Library of Congress—Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesNovember 1868
John Willis Menard wins election to the U.S. House of Representatives and becomes the first African American to be elected to Congress. (He never takes office, however, because his losing opponent challenged the election’s outcome.)
February 3, 1870
Fifteenth AmendmentThe Fifteenth Amendment, Celebrated May 19th, 1870, lithograph with watercolor by Thomas Kelly, c. 1870.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital File Number: cph 3g02399)February 25, 1870
“The First Colored Senator and Representatives”Hiram Revels (seated at far left) of Mississippi, the first African American U.S. senator, along with Black members of the House of Representatives (seated, left to right) Benjamin S. Turner of Alabama, Josiah T. Walls of Florida, and Joseph H. Rainey and Robert Brown Elliott of South Carolina and (standing) Robert C. De Large of South Carolina and Jefferson H. Long of Georgia.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZC2-2325)May 31, 1870
Congress passes the first of four Force Acts that authorize federal authorities to enforce penalties (including summary arrests) upon anyone interfering with the registration, voting, office holding, or jury service of African Americans.
Fueled by a financial crisis in New York City in September, the Panic of 1873 marked the end of the long-term expansion in the world economy that had begun in the late 1840s and initiated an economic depression in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases limits the scope of Reconstruction laws and the protection of the privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
April 13, 1873
An estimated 60 to 150 African Americans die in Colfax, Louisiana, when the Black militiamen defending a courthouse are massacred by members of the Ku Klux Klan and a white supremacist paramilitary group called the White League.
Campaign pennantRutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler campaign pennant, 1876.
Collection of David J. and Janice L. FrentMarch 2, 1877
The disputed electoral votes are awarded to Hayes, who is declared the winner after a bargain is reached under which the Republicans agree to end military administration in the South, effectively ending Reconstruction.
In upholding a Louisiana law that required the segregation of passengers on railroad cars, the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Plessy Ferguson establishes the doctrine of “separate but equal,” providing a legal justification for the Jim Crow laws that were established throughout the South segregating Blacks and whites in almost all public places.
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