Reformation Timeline

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Biblical studies professor Martin Luther finds out that another religious leader has supposedly told followers that buying an indulgence, or making payments to the Roman Catholic Church, was a way to obtain forgiveness of a person’s sins. Luther writes the Ninety-five Theses. This document criticizes the selling of indulgences. Protestants consider publication of the theses to be the beginning of the Reformation.


The pope excommunicates Luther. In other words the pope throws Luther out of the church. Luther begins to translate the Bible into German. Before this the commonly used Bible was in Latin. Priests understand Latin, but most other people do not.


The Reformation spreads to Switzerland. Former priest Huldrych Zwingli is its leader there. Zwingli opposes religious fasting and believes priests should be allowed to marry. He and Luther agree on some but not all theological matters.


Luther publicly disagrees with other religious reformers on issues of theology. The reform movement splinters. Reformers called Anabaptists emerge. They believe in pacifism, adult baptism, and separation of church and state. Quakers, Baptists, Mennonites, and Hutterites all have their origins in the Anabaptist movement.


Laurentius Petri becomes a Protestant archbishop in Sweden. He is one of the leaders of the Reformation in that country. Eventually, most of Sweden converts to Lutheranism.


England’s King Henry VIII breaks with the pope. Henry establishes the Anglican church with himself at its head.


In Switzerland French lawyer John Calvin publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion. It becomes one of the most important documents of the Reformation.


Petri and others publish the first Swedish translation of the Bible.


The pope organizes the Council of Trent. This group passes reforms of the Roman Catholic Church. The council is part of the Counter-Reformation, an attempt to improve and renew the church. As a result priests receive more education and better training. Eventually, most of France and Poland and parts of Germany change from Protestant back to Roman Catholic.


John Knox establishes the Protestant religion in Scotland.


Italian reformer Faustus Socinus moves to Poland and establishes what will become the Unitarian movement.


The Thirty Years’ War begins, partly for religious reasons. Much of Europe becomes involved in the struggle between Roman Catholic, Calvinist, and Lutheran powers. The war eventually costs about eight million lives and redraws the map of Europe.