Sir Robert Borden, (born June 26, 1854, Grand Pré, Nova Scotia—died June 10, 1937, Ottawa, Ont., Can.), Prime minister of Canada (1911–20). He practiced law in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from 1874 and later founded one of the largest law firms in the Maritime Provinces. In 1896 he was elected to the Canadian House of Commons; he became leader of the Conservative Party in 1901. As prime minister, he implemented conscription in World War I and represented Canada in Britain’s imperial war cabinet. He insisted on separate Canadian membership in the League of Nations, which helped transform Canada from a colony to an independent country.
Sir Robert Borden summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Sir Robert Borden.
prime minister Summary
Prime minister, the head of government in a country with a parliamentary or semipresidential political system. In such systems, the prime minister—literally the “first,” or most important, minister—must be able to command a continuous majority in the legislature (usually the lower house in a
League of Nations Summary
League of Nations, an organization for international cooperation established on January 10, 1920, at the initiative of the victorious Allied powers at the end of World War I. The terrible losses of World War I produced, as years went by and peace seemed no nearer, an ever-growing public demand that
government Summary
Government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. Most of the key words commonly used to describe governments—words such as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy—are of Greek or Roman origin. They have been current for more than 2,000 years and have not
Canada Summary
Canada, the second largest country in the world in area (after Russia), occupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America. Despite Canada’s great size, it is one of the world’s most sparsely populated countries. This fact, coupled with the grandeur of the landscape, has