Spanish Inquisition Key Facts
The Spanish Inquisition was a judicial institution that lasted between 1478 and 1834. Its ostensible purpose was to combat heresy in Spain, but, in practice, it resulted in consolidating power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom. Its brutal methods led to widespread death and suffering.
The Roman Catholic Church had established inquisitions in the past. Taking their name from the Latin verb inquiro (“inquire into”), these commissions had authority to question supposed heretics about their religious practices and loyalties starting in the 13th century.
Unlike much of western Europe at the time, medieval Spain was a multiracial and multireligious country with large Muslim and Jewish populations.
The AlhambraThe Alhambra is a palace and fortress overlooking the town of Granada in Spain. It was home to the Moors who ruled parts of Spain from the ad 700s to 1492.
© Jose Ignacio Soto/FotoliaAnti-Semitic sentiment grew toward Spain’s substantial Jewish population. During the reign of Henry III of Castile and Leon (1390–1406), Jews faced increased persecution. Pogroms in 1391 were especially brutal, and the Jewish community faced the choice between baptism and death.
Many Jews were killed upon refusal to convert to Christianity. Those who adopted Christian beliefs, the conversos (Spanish for “converted”) still faced suspicion and prejudice. Marranos, Jews who had apparently converted but continued to practice their faith in secret, were considered a major threat to Spanish society.
Ferdinand and IsabellaFerdinand II (left) and his wife, Isabella I, relief with gilt and polychromy by Alonso de Mena, 1632; in the Capilla Real, Granada, Spain.
Archivo Iconografico, S.A./CorbisThe first Spanish inquisitors were so severe in their methods that Sixtus attempted to intervene, but his efforts were in vain as Ferdinand and Isabella realized how useful the Inquisition was to their royal power.
Torture during the InquisitionSuspected Protestants and insincere Christians being tortured in the name of Christianity during the Spanish Inquisition.
Three Lions/Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesThe autos-da-fé (Portuguese for “acts of faith”) were public ceremonies during which sentences against the condemned were read. These ceremonies were elaborate and popular spectacles with processions, oaths of obedience to the Inquisition, and sermons. The condemned were afterward turned over to secular, or nonreligious, authorities to actually carry out the punishments. Extreme punishments included execution or life imprisonment.
Spanish InquisitionDepiction of a Spanish Jew standing before the grand inquisitor in the late 1400s.
© ImagesSpanish InquisitionIllustration depicting three women who had been condemned by the Spanish Inquisition.
© convinced Ferdinand and Isabella to issue the Alhambra Decree on March 31, 1492, which resulted in 160,000 Jews being expelled from Spain.
The Protestant population of Spain was small, but, as it was considered a threat upon the rise of the Reformation, the Inquisition eliminated it as well.
Having largely purged the country of Jews and Muslims—as well as many former members of those faiths who had converted to Christianity—the Spanish Inquisition turned its attention to prominent Roman Catholics. Saint Ignatius of Loyola was twice arrested on suspicion of heresy, and the archbishop of Toledo, the Dominican Bartolomé de Carranza, was imprisoned for almost 17 years.
The supreme council of the Spanish Inquisition oversaw 14 local tribunals in Spain and several in the Spanish colonies, including in the Americas. A similar inquisition was established in Portugal in 1547, lasting until 1821.
Though the excesses seen under Torquemada diminished somewhat, autos-da-fé continued into the mid-18th century. The Spanish Inquisition was suppressed by Joseph Bonaparte in 1808, restored by Ferdinand VII in 1814, suppressed in 1820, and restored in 1823. It was finally suppressed permanently by Spanish queen regent María Cristina de Borbón in 1834.
Spanish Inquisition Timeline
Spanish Inquisition | Timeline
Spanish Inquisition Causes and Effects
Spanish Inquisition | Causes and Effects