Urartu , Ancient country around Lake Van, southwestern Asia. Today the region is divided among Armenia, eastern Turkey, and northwestern Iran. The kingdom flourished c. 13th–6th century bce, enjoying considerable power in the Middle East in the 9th–8th century. It is first mentioned in Assyrian records from the 13th century bce. Repeatedly attacked by Assyrian kings, Urartu declined in the late 8th century. It ceased to exist after invasions by Cimmerians, Scythians, and Medes in the 7th century bce.
Urartu summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Urartu.
Asia Summary
Asia, the world’s largest and most diverse continent. It occupies the eastern four-fifths of the giant Eurasian landmass. Asia is more a geographic term than a homogeneous continent, and the use of the term to describe such a vast area always carries the potential of obscuring the enormous