Zambia, officially Republic of Zambia formerly Northern Rhodesia, Landlocked country, south-central Africa. Area: 290,583 sq mi (752,612 sq km). Population: (2025 est.) 21,548,000. Capital: Lusaka. The population is composed almost entirely of Bantu-speaking African ethnic groups. Languages: English (official); numerous local languages are also spoken. Religions: Christianity (Protestant, other Christians, Roman Catholic); also traditional beliefs, Islam. Currency: kwacha. The country consists of a high plateau through which the Zambezi (including Victoria Falls), Kafue, and Luangwa rivers flow. Lakes Mweru and Tanganyika touch Zambia’s northern boundaries, and Lake Bangweulu and the Bangweulu Swamps form extensive wetlands farther to the south. The Muchinga Mountains in the east and the ranges along the eastern border have the highest elevations in the country. There are forests of Zambezi teak in the southwest. Zambia’s economy depends on the production and export of copper. Other important mineral resources include lead, zinc, cobalt, coal, and gold. Agriculture also is important. There is some manufacturing. Zambia is a multiparty republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president. Ancestors of the Tonga reached the region early in the 2nd millennium ce, but other peoples from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola reached the country only in the 17th–18th century. Portuguese trading missions were established early in the 18th century. Emissaries of Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company concluded treaties with most of the Zambian chiefs during the 1890s. The company administered the region known as Northern Rhodesia until 1924, when it became a British protectorate. It was part of the Central African Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in 1953–63. In 1964 Northern Rhodesia became independent as the Republic of Zambia. A constitutional amendment enacted in 1991 allowed opposition parties.
Zambia summary
Learn about the physical features, mineral resources, and history of Zambia
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Zambia.
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Kenneth Kaunda Summary
Kenneth Kaunda was a politician who led Zambia to independence in 1964 and served as that country’s president until 1991. Kaunda’s father, who was from Nyasaland (now Malawi), was a schoolteacher; his mother, also a teacher, was the first African woman to teach in colonial Zambia. Both taught among