bean, Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants (see legume). The mature seeds of the principal food beans, except soybeans, are similar in composition, though they differ widely in eating quality. Rich in protein and providing moderate amounts of iron and vitamins B1 and B2, fresh or dried beans are used worldwide for cooking. Varieties differ greatly in size, shape, colour, and tenderness of the immature pods. The common string, snap, or green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) of Central and South American origin is the dominant edible-podded bean in the U.S. and ranks second to the soybean (Glycine max) in importance. Third in importance is the broad, or fava, bean (Vicia faba), the principal bean of Europe. The lima bean (P. lunatus), of Central American origin, is commercially important in few countries outside the Americas. Garbanzo beans (Cicer arietinum), also called chickpeas, are especially important in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine. The scarlet runner bean (P. coccineus) is native to the New World tropics and is grown in Europe for its attractive flowers and fleshy immature pods. The mung bean, or green gram (Vigna radiata), is native to India and is grown extensively in the Orient for food.
bean summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see bean.