borane, Any of a homologous series of inorganic compounds of boron and hydrogen or their derivatives. The ability of boranes to form three-centre bonds (one pair of electrons is shared between three atoms) and covalent bonds allows them to form complex structures called polyhedrons, which can be considered as deltahedrons (polyhedrons with triangular faces) or deltahedral fragments. Low-molecular-weight boranes are spontaneously flammable in air, although reactivity generally decreases with increasing molecular weight. Boranes are sources of high-energy fuels for rockets and jet aircraft.
borane summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see borane.
carborane Summary
Carborane, any member of a class of organometallic compounds containing carbon (C), boron (B), and hydrogen (H). The general formula of carboranes is represented by C2BnHn + 2, in which n is an integer; carboranes with n ranging from 3 to 10 have been characterized. The first carboranes were