hospital, Institution for diagnosing and treating the sick or injured, housing them during treatment, examining patients, and managing childbirth. Outpatients, who can leave after treatment, come in for emergency care or are referred for services not available in a private doctor’s office. Hospitals may be public (government-owned) or private (profit-making or not-for-profit); in most countries except the U.S., most are public. They may also be general, accepting all types of medical or surgical cases, or special (e.g., children’s hospitals, mental hospitals), limiting service to a single type of patient or illness. However, general hospitals usually also have specialized departments, and special hospitals tend to become affiliated with general hospitals.
hospital summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see hospital.
Hospitallers Summary
Hospitallers, a religious military order that was founded at Jerusalem in the 11th century and that, headquartered in Rome, continues its humanitarian tasks in most parts of the modern world under several slightly different names and jurisdictions. The origin of the Hospitallers was an 11th-century