nursing, Health-care profession providing physical and emotional care to the sick and disabled and promoting health in all individuals through activities including research, health education, and patient consultation. Nursing gained recognition in the 19th century with the activities of Florence Nightingale. Many nurses have specialties (e.g., psychiatry, critical care). Nurse-practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse-anesthetists, and nurse-midwives undertake tasks traditionally performed by physicians. Nursing degrees go as high as the doctorate, and staff positions include administration. In addition to health-care settings, nurses practice in schools, the military, industry, and private homes. Community (public health) nurses educate the public on topics such as nutrition and disease prevention.
nursing summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see nursing.
Florence Nightingale Summary
Florence Nightingale was a British nurse, statistician, and social reformer who was the foundational philosopher of modern nursing. Nightingale was put in charge of nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War. She spent many hours in the wards, and her night rounds giving
midwifery Summary
Midwifery, care of women in pregnancy, childbirth (parturition), and the postpartum period that often also includes care of the newborn. Midwifery is as old as childbearing. Indeed, midwives historically were women who were mothers themselves and who became midwives when they attended the births of