ren, or jen, In Confucianism, the most basic of all virtues, variously translated as “humaneness” or “benevolence.” It originally denoted the kindness of rulers to subjects. Confucius identified ren as perfect virtue, and Mencius made it the distinguishing characteristic of humanity. In Neo-Confucianism it was a moral quality imparted by Heaven.
ren summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see ren.
Confucius Summary
Confucius was China’s most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, whose ideas have profoundly influenced the civilizations of China and other East Asian countries. Confucius was born near the end of an era known in Chinese history as the Spring and Autumn Period (770–481 BCE). His
Mencius Summary
Mencius was an early Chinese philosopher whose development of orthodox Confucianism earned him the title “second sage.” Chief among his basic tenets was an emphasis on the obligation of rulers to provide for the common people. The book Mencius records his doings and sayings and contains statements