sangoma, Highly respected healer among the Zulu people of South Africa. A sangoma diagnoses, prescribes, and often performs the rituals to heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. The sangoma may address all of these realms in the healing process, which usually involves divination, herbal medicine, and specific customized rituals to cure illness and restore well-being. An individual who is called to be a sangoma must be called by spirit. The calling, ukutwasa, denotes an ancestral and cultural responsibility and is initiated usually by an illness, which is accompanied by strange dreams and visions. Sangomas go through an initiation period, which can last from months to years, depending on the circumstances. Sangomas learn to read dingaka, or oracle bones, to be used in divination to detect the presence of spirits around a sick person, resentful ancestral spirits, offended nature spirits, or malevolent spirits. Sangomas must also understand the power and workings of the human mind. The source of their power is called umbilini, which they learn to summon at will through the beating of a drum or through deep meditation. They also learn how to access the knowledge of the universe—past, present, and future—said to be contained in a hidden lake in the spirit world. Highly skilled sangomas are said to be able to make herbal medicines, interpret dreams, incorporate spirits, control weather, and predict the future. Most sangomas are women.
sangoma summary
Learn about the role of the sangoma, a widely respected healer in Zulu tradition
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