Popemobile: Media
How is a pope elected?
Popes are elected for life. How do they get the job?
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.; thumbnail © Neneo/Dreamstime.com
How has Pope Francis guided the Roman Catholic Church?
Learn about the worldwide impact of Pope Francis.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Pope Francis in a Popemobile, 2023
Popemobiles are specially designed vehicles that are used to transport the pope,...
© Horacio Villalobos/Getty Images
Pope John XXIII being carried on a sedia gestatoria, 1962
The first form of papal transport was a portable ceremonial throne known as the sedia...
© Bettmann/Getty Images
Pope John Paul II in an open-air Popemobile
In 1979, while visiting a crowd assembled in Shea Stadium in Queens, New York, Pope...
USN&WR—Thomas J. O'Halloran/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-U9-38282-12)
German-brand Popemobile for a German pope
Pope Benedict XVI arriving in his Mercedes-Benz Popemobile at the Berlin Olympic...
© Adam Berry/Getty Images
Pope Francis in a Popemobile in Manila, 2015
Partially open-air Popemobiles have been the preferred design of papal vehicles for...
NurPhoto/Getty Images
Pope Francis: A Life in Pictures
A slideshow of highlights from the life of Pope Francis.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.