content filter
- Also known as:
- Internet filter
- Related Topics:
- Internet
- application software
content filter, software that screens and blocks online content that includes particular words or images. Although the Internet was designed to make information more accessible, open access to all information can be problematic, especially when it comes to children who might view obscene or offensive materials. Content filters restrict what users may view on their computer by screening Web pages and e-mail messages for category-specific content. Such filters can be used by individuals, businesses, or even countries in order to regulate Internet use.
Once a user sets up a content-filtering program to restrict access to objectionable material, the program works in two distinct ways when an Internet connection is made. First, it checks to make sure the site is not on the software’s “blocked” site list, which includes known pornography Web sites and sites with violence or other “mature” content. Second, it previews requested Web pages and incoming e-mails by scanning them against a “buzzword list” or “blacklist.” If the Web site or e-mail account is listed in either of those databases, the site or message will not be displayed on the screen, and instead a page will appear notifying the user that the site or message is blocked.
The blocked and buzzword lists themselves are created in two ways: human review and automated selection. Companies that develop content-filtering software maintain staffs of reviewers who scan the Internet for objectionable sites. The sites are then placed into different categories in the blocked list database. That way, if a user has selected to not view sites related to alcohol, drugs, or religious cults, the software will automatically load the correct category sets from the database. However, given that the World Wide Web is growing much faster than the software companies can review it, it is only logical that the review process relies at least in part on automation. Even if there were enough reviewers to catalog the entire Web, the blocked list would be out of date by the time they finished.

Sometimes, acceptable sites get wrongly labeled as objectionable. That results in frustration and anger—especially on the part of the administrator of the allegedly objectionable site. Some sites supplying information about breast cancer, for example, might be blocked if the word breast appears on a buzzword list. However, most content-filtering programs allow the primary user to add Web sites to an “always allow” list that supersedes the filter’s databases. Opponents of content-filtering programs, who often call them “censorware,” claim that sites are sometimes blocked for apparently political reasons. For example,, a site that opposes content filters, is reportedly often blocked by those same content filters.
Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and China, use content filters to block “sensitive” or “inappropriate” topics and Web sites from their citizens. That form of censorship may limit access to information about religion, politics, sexuality, or culture and is used by a number of countries to expressly block content related to border disputes and extremism. Some government-level content filters even control the use of Internet services including e-mail, Internet hosting, language translation, and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) services such as Skype.