- Key People:
- Henry Deringer
- Simeon North
- Károly Takács
pistol, small firearm designed for one-hand use. According to one theory, pistols owe their name to the city of Pistoia, Italy, where handguns were made as early as the late 15th century.
Dating from the 16th century, the earliest practical pistols typically were single-shot muzzle-loading arms employing wheel-lock or various flintlock ignition systems, and they evolved simultaneously with shoulder weapons such as the harquebus, musket, and fowling gun. Such handguns were produced in a wide range of sizes and calibres, from large military “horse” pistols to small pocket and muff pistols for personal protection. The adoption of percussion ignition in the 1830s allowed the design of more-complex repeating pistols, notably the pepperbox and the revolver. In turn, the advent of the self-contained metallic cartridge in the 1860s allowed the convenience of breech loading and ultimately permitted the development of self-loading, or semiautomatic, pistols such as those made by Colt, Mauser, Luger, Browning, Smith & Wesson, and Beretta.
Over the centuries, pistol became a generic term for any handheld firearm, but most arms authorities recognize revolvers and semiautomatic pistols as types distinct from the historical single-shot pistol. Revolvers are repeating handguns that have a multichambered cylinder behind a single barrel, by which the cartridge in each chamber is brought successively in alignment with the barrel. Semiautomatic pistols are repeating arms in which the mechanism, actuated by the energy of recoil when a bullet is fired, feeds successive cartridges into the barrel from a magazine (usually in the butt of the pistol). Though devotees of the semiautomatic pistol have predicted the decline and disappearance of the revolver, there is little evidence for that. Both weapons are used by security forces around the world, and both types are used extensively for sport and target shooting.