- Also called:
- Indian, Native American, American Indian, aboriginal American, Amerindian, orAmerind
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Early cultural development
The earliest well-attested archaeological site in the Americas is Monte Verde, Chile (c. 10,500 bce); Paleo-Indians must have journeyed through (or along the coast of) Middle America sometime earlier in order to reach Monte Verde by that date. Estimates of the timing of this passage vary widely, ranging from perhaps 11,000 bce to more than 20,000 bce.
Paleo-Indians in Middle America soon diversified their foraging strategies and transitioned to the Archaic. They successfully domesticated squash (c. 8000–7000 bce), corn (c. 5000–4000 bce), cassava (manioc; c. 5000–4000 bce), and cotton (c. 2600 bce), and they were producing drinks made from cacao by about 1000 bce. Known to archaeologists as Formative or pre-Classic peoples, these groups established agricultural villages by 1800 bce. From this point until the beginning of the Common Era, Formative peoples such as the Olmec built large towns and developed increasingly complex architecture, art, and religion.
Prehistoric civilizations
The Western Hemisphere’s first cities arose in Middle America early in the 1st millennium ce. These Classic urban cultures were widespread across the region. Perhaps the best-known are those of the prehistoric Maya of Guatemala, the Yucatán Peninsula, and Mexican Chiapas, who were unified by ritual practices and ruled by a class of priests. Mayan religion was thought to influence agricultural fertility; among their most important divinities was the fertility god Tlaloc, whose symbol, the jaguar, is a recurrent motif on Mayan carvings and in other art forms.
Beginning about 1000 ce, the theocracies of Middle America were superseded by the empire of the Toltecs, which was in turn dominated by the Aztecs. Ruling from the site of what is now Mexico City, the Aztec empire brought nearly all of Middle America under its rule, only to be shattered by the epidemic diseases brought by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.
Not all prehistoric peoples in Middle America lived in cities; most lived in relatively small rural settlements. Spanish colonizers described villages in which the basic social units were nuclear and extended families, dominated by male members and elders; barter-based market economies and complex religious traditions were also characteristic of these groups. While it is difficult to know the extent to which the Spanish accounts reflect reality from the Indigenous peoples’ perspective, cultural patterns like these have been common in the region since the 16th century. (See also Middle American peoples: The prehistoric period; pre-Columbian civilizations: Mesoamerican civilization.)

Colonization and conquest
As the primary European power in Middle America, Spain focused on the extraction of wealth, the increase of territory, and the production of a Catholicized peasant class. During the first period of colonization, Spanish Jesuits set up missions and reservations in northwestern Middle America; these usually included housing for clergy, Indigenous peoples, and (in some cases) soldiers, as well as a church, outbuildings, and agricultural land. Other sectors were settled via encomiendas, essentially feudal estates granted to conquistadors and others who had provided service to the Spanish crown. Through these estates, plantation farming, cattle ranching, and mining became the economic engines of colonial society. Although Spanish missionization was carried out with fervor, Indigenous Middle American religious practices did not disappear; instead, they became notably syncretic, mixing remnants of earlier ritual practices—animism, shamanism, and divination—with the veneration of individual Christian saints, such as Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In response to mid-19th-century industrialization and commercialization, many Indigenous Middle American communities became increasingly isolationist; this helped to preserve their cultural integrity but often resulted in economic deprivation. During the 20th century a number of exclusionary social and economic policies were eliminated, and Indigenous Middle Americans began to better integrate their political, cultural, artistic, and economic contributions into national economies and governments. The end of the 20th century saw a variety of civil and economic movements by Indigenous peoples in various parts of Middle America. The results ranged from the severe persecution of Indigenous Guatemalans to the more complete integration of Indigenous individuals into national cultures of Belize and Costa Rica. (See also Indigenous Mesoamerican peoples: Modern developments.)
South America
Early cultural development
Paleo-Indians reached South America by at least 12,500 years ago, and perhaps much earlier. They settled in what are now Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, southern Chile, the south-central plains of the Gran Chaco region, and portions of the central Andes. As with other very early Indigenous Americans, this region’s earliest peoples organized themselves into small kin-based groups to facilitate their movement to areas of more plentiful game or more favorable climatic conditions.
Early farming societies developed on the coasts of Brazil and Arawak, in the Greater Antilles, and in some parts of the inland forests and highlands. Domesticates from South America include squash (c. 8400–8000 bce), peanuts (c. 6500 bce), lima beans (c. 5000 bce), potatoes (c. 2500 bce), and cavies (guinea pigs; c. 1000 bce); domesticated corn and cassava began to be used in South America between about 2000 and 1500 bce. South American groups engaged in shifting agriculture as early as 3000 bce; this technique, also called slash-and-burn agriculture or swiddening, involved the periodic relocation of the entire community to a place some miles away due to the exhaustion of local fields or garden plots.