Cantwell v. Connecticut
Cantwell v. Connecticut, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 20, 1940, ruled unconstitutional a Connecticut statute that required individuals making door-to-door religious solicitations to obtain a state license. The court, in a 9–0 decision, held that the free exercise clause of the First Amendment applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause, rendering the states subject to the same restrictions regarding religion that are placed on Congress.
The plaintiffs—Newton, Jesse, and Russell Cantwell—were Jehovah’s Witnesses who had been going door-to-door in a predominately Roman Catholic neighbourhood in New Haven, Connecticut. They had religious pamphlets and records as well as a record player. Each record contained a description of a book, one of which was titled Enemies; that book included an attack on Roman Catholicism. At one point, Jesse asked two men to listen to the record, and they agreed to do so. Upon hearing it, they became incensed almost to the point of violence and ordered Jesse to leave, which he did. The Cantwells were then charged with two offenses: violating a state statute that required religious solicitors to register with the secretary of the public welfare council and inciting others to breach of the peace. They were convicted of both. The Cantwells argued that they did not obtain a license because they believed that their activities were not covered by the statute insofar as they were only distributing pamphlets and books. They also argued that the act violated both the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause and the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.
The Cantwells appealed their convictions, and the Supreme Court of Connecticut found that because the Cantwells asked for monetary donations to cover the cost of the pamphlets, their actions fell within the scope of the act. Further, the court pointed out that the legislation was constitutional, because the state was attempting to protect its people against fraud through solicitation of funds purported to be for a charitable or religious purpose. As to the charge of inciting others to breach of the peace, the court upheld Jesse’s conviction but ordered a new trial for Russell and Newton.

On March 29, 1940, the case was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. In a unanimous opinion authored by Justice Owen Josephus Roberts, the court maintained that the First Amendment prohibited Congress from making laws regarding the establishment of religion or preventing free exercise of any religion and that the Fourteenth Amendment placed the same prohibitions on state legislatures. The court explained that the First Amendment gives citizens both the right to believe and the right to act. Whereas the first is absolute, the second, the court observed, is subject to regulations to protect society. According to the court, states may make laws regulating the time, place, and manner of solicitations, but they may not enact legislation that wholly prohibits individuals from their right to preach their religious views. To the extent that the act required individuals to apply for certificates to engage in solicitations and were expressly forbidden to do so without such certificates, the court reasoned that the law overreached in regulating religious solicitations.
The Supreme Court also took issue with the fact that religious solicitors were required to apply to the secretary of the public welfare council. The court held that that requirement went too far, because it allowed one person to determine whether something was a religious cause. Insofar as the secretary was allowed to examine facts and use his or her own judgment, rather than simply issue certificates to anyone who applied for one, the court concluded that the process violated the First Amendment as it applied within the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment. In addition, the court set aside Jesse’s conviction for inciting others to breach of the peace.