Crips, street gang based in Los Angeles that is involved in various illegal activities, notably drug dealing, theft, extortion, and murder. The group, which is largely African American, is traditionally associated with the color blue. The Crips gained national attention for their bitter rivalry with the Bloods.
The gang’s origins are disputed. According to some reports, Stanley (“Tookie”) Williams and Raymond Washington, both high schoolers in Los Angeles, founded the Crips in 1971 for protection from gang violence. Others claim that Washington, inspired by the Black Panthers, formed a political group in 1969 that evolved into a street gang. It was initially called Cribs, a possible reference to how young its members were or based on crib’s slang meaning, “home.” Soon, however, the gang became known as the Crips. Numerous explanations have been offered for the revised name. Some claim it is a mispronunciation of Cribs, while others suggest it is an amalgamation of Cribs and RIP (rest in peace), representing members’ involvement from birth to death. A third explanation is that Crips is short for cripple, a reference to the fact that some of the early members used canes or that they crippled their enemies.
Whatever its initial beginnings, by the early 1970s the Crips had a reputation for violence, and its members were engaged in extortion and theft. Other gangs, notably the Bloods, were established in response to the Crips’ growing power. Despite such efforts, the Crips continued to expand during that decade as more gangs in the city became affiliated with them, forming a loose confederation. Many of these gangs, however, remained independent—and fiercely territorial—with fighting between them extremely common. When Washington was fatally shot in 1979, some believed a Crips gang was responsible. That year also saw Williams arrested for several murders; he became an antigang crusader before being executed in 2005.

In the 1980s the Crips became more focused on drugs, especially crack cocaine, and the gang eventually formed alliances with Mexican cartels. Its involvement in narcotics helped the gang expand beyond Los Angeles. By the early 21st century, it was operating in some 40 states and had upwards of 20,000 members. However, Los Angeles remained its stronghold. While cocaine and marijuana provided the majority of its income, the Crips were also involved in auto theft, robbery, and carjacking.
The Crips were well-known for their rivalry with the Bloods—even though infighting caused three times more deaths. In an effort to distingush between the gang members, the Crips began wearing blue clothing or other items, while the Bloods became associated with red. In addition, Crips members often wore British Knights shoes. Their rivalry infiltrated pop culture, inspiring songs and movies.