Funj Dynasty
- Also spelled:
- Fung
Funj Dynasty, line of kings that ruled in the Nilotic Sudan of Eastern Africa in the 16th–19th century. At its greatest extent, Funj authority stretched westward across the southern Gezira region into Kordofan and southward to the gold-bearing district of Fāzūghlī.
The Funj capital, the city of Sennar, on the left bank of the Blue Nile above its confluence with the White Nile, was founded by ʿAmārah Dunqas in 1504–05. The Funj expanded northward from this region at the same time the ʿAbdallabi dynasty was extending its dominion southward from the region of Sūbah.
The two dynasties met and clashed near ʿArbajī (on the Blue Nile in the Gezira), and the victorious Funj ruled thereafter as high kings of the region in partnership with the ʿAbdallabi sheikhs, whose authority, at the time of conflict, extended as far north as the Third Cataract of the Nile. A revolt early in the 17th century by the ʿAbdallabi chief ʿAdjib al-Mandjilak against the Funj sultan ʿAbdlan ibn Unsa strained the Funj-ʿAbdallabi duumvirate until peace was restored by Sheikh Idris ibn Muḥammad al-Arbab (d. 1650).

The Funj dynasty was early converted to Islām; ʿAmara (d. 1533/34) had Muslims in his train, and ʿAbd al-Qādir I (d. 1557/58) bore a Muslim name.
The Funj first expanded westward across the hills of Sakadi and Muya about 1554 and then across the White Nile (whose shores were dominated by the pagan Shilluk), where they established a bridgehead at al-Ays. Bādī II Abū Daqn (reigned 1644/45–1680) continued the Funj conquest by defeating the Shilluk and by raiding and later imposing tributary status on Takali, a Muslim hill state south of Kordofan. The plains of Kordofan proper did not fall to the Funj until the reign of Bādī IV Abū Shulūkh (reigned 1724–62). Expansion eastward was barred by Ethiopia, with which the Funj waged two wars, the first in 1618–19 and the second, in which the Funj under Bādī IV were victorious, in 1744.
Despite its continuing expansion, the Funj dynasty was racked by internal conflict, marked by the frequent deposition of its kings. The development under Bādī II of a slave army, which subsequently settled around the capital, increased tensions between the Funj dynasty and its warrior aristocracy; the latter rose unsuccessfully against Bādī III in the early 18th century and successfully against his son Unsa III before 1720. During the reigns of Unsa’s successor, Nul, who was connected to the Funj through his mother, and Nul’s son Bādī IV, the dynasty’s authority was restored for some 40 years. But Bādī IV was overthrown c. 1762 by his commander and viceroy in Kordofan, Abū Likaylik, and the Funj dynasty, though it continued nominally in power thereafter, had no real authority. In 1821 it was supplanted by the Turkish government of Egypt.
In present-day Sudan the census bureau uses the term Darfunj (Funj tribes) to describe a number of ethnically and linguistically different peoples living in the southeastern part of the country. This area had represented an ethnic–linguistic mixture when the Funj arrived, and the kingdom, by its nature, increased the mix. Among those designated as Funj tribes, the Gule claim that their chiefs are the descendants of the Funj kings.