Louisiana Creole
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- creole languages
Louisiana Creole, French-based vernacular language that developed on the sugarcane plantations of what are now southwestern Louisiana (U.S.) and the Mississippi delta when those areas were French colonies. It had probably become relatively stabilized by the time of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, although it was later influenced by the creoles spoken by slaves brought to North America from Haiti and the Lesser Antilles by emigrating francophone planters. It is not clear what impact the nonstandard variety of French used by Cajuns—the descendants of refugees who fled Acadia (centred in Nova Scotia, Can.) in the 18th century—has had on Louisiana Creole.
Identifying any of the French vernaculars in Louisiana as a creole language is complicated by the variable ways in which the term Creole is used in the region to denote ethnicity: African Americans apply the term to themselves as well as to the European American descendants of colonial French and Spanish settlers, but members of the latter group use the term only to refer to themselves.
As in other creole language communities, Louisiana Creole includes a continuum of speech varieties. Some of these are closer to Louisiana French, a nonstandard variety that is spoken by the European American Creole population; Louisiana Creole and Louisiana French evolved concurrently. Other varieties of Louisiana Creole diverged further from French varieties because the people who developed them were heavily influenced by the African languages they had spoken before enslavement. Thus, Louisiana Creole is typically associated with black Creoles, the African American descendants of slaves who worked on sugarcane plantations and spoke an ancestor of today’s regional variety of African American Vernacular English (also called Ebonics). Although neither Louisiana Creole nor Louisiana French is easily intelligible to metropolitan French speakers, only the variety spoken by black Creoles is considered a true creole language.